“The Guest House” by Rumi

A white guest house

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

~ Rumi ~

(The Essential Rumi, versions by Coleman Barks)

Woo Hoo! What a Ride!

I saw this quote and had to share it, as it had a rich perspective to consider. And besides…. it made me laugh!

"whoo hoo, what a ride" this life

An interesting perspective of living life



Life is a roller-coaster

What A Ride meme











How’s this for a powerful perspective to live your life from!!


Waking from the Dream…

A Soul’s Perspective

(This poem came to a broken-hearted me, three months after Christian’s death. Showing me another perspective, it was a welcome gift of cheer, comfort and relief given to me from a higher aspect of myself)

I dreamed I was a body,
and you, a body too.
I dreamed bad things could happen,
both, to me and you.

I dreamed that there was sickness,
that death and loss were real.
I dreamed we could be separate,
Oh! … the pain that we could feel!
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Our Struggles in Life

a person challenging an alligator

Bring it on!

Our struggles. Not always fun, but necessary… or we would never grow, develop and evolve into what we could eventually become.

It is within our greatest struggles that our greatest growth is realized. We find a way…. simply… because we have to. It is our nature to do so.

But….. thank goodness for the good and easy times! It’s funny…. when we are experiencing those times, we think they will last forever. I mean, how could life get any better than when we are having those beautiful moments? In those moments… they couldn’t.

Unfortunately, there are other moments too. These are the moments of struggle. Sometimes… we think those times will last forever too! And sometimes we are certain that they will!
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The birth of a blog… griefandmourning.com

Jade, author of Griefandmourning.com

Jade, author of Griefandmourning.com

Welcome! Thank you for visiting Griefandmourning.com!

My name is jade.

How I came to have this website/blog was most unexpected.

A few days before Thanksgiving of 2011, I was having a phone conversation with my adult son, Chris, who lives in another state. I was discussing the challenges I was facing with writing my very first book, which is a current work in progress. I explained that my story is complex, so the compilation of it is difficult since it contains copious amounts of detailed information that has been given to me with regards to some of my more intensely profound spiritual/human experiences. These experiences that I call “Holy Moments” have spanned over the last four plus years of my book, but have actually been an occurrence throughout my whole life. If you have had them, you know what I’m taking about.
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