Remembering what it was to be a carefree child again, might help!
Ancient Egyptians believed that upon death
they would be asked two questions
and their answers would determine
whether they could continue their journey in the afterlife.
The first question was, “Did you bring joy?”
The second was, “Did you find joy?”
~ Leo Buscaglia ~
Well, …did you?
Desiderata was written by a relatively unknown American author, Max Ehrmann, in 1927. Later, in 1959, Reverend Frederick Kates of Saint Paul’s Church, Baltimore, included Desiderata in a sermon for his congregation, which eventually spread and became a big hit.
Desiderata contains many pearls of wisdom for living a peaceful and joyous existence upon this planet. In it, the unknown author details a perspective for “keeping peace with your soul” while navigating your way through a challenging world. All useful information.
The popular 1970’s song, written by Wes Crane, is included in the link below. I realize, being from the 70’s, that this music is dated and a little bit cheesy, but I couldn’t resist. It still has a good and powerful vibe, and besides, it’s only a matter of time before it’s back in style again! Here’s to being a happy and fulfilled child of the Universe!
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Really and truly, there is no actual tomorrow. There is only this moment made up of a string of NOW’s.
We live like there is a future out there somewhere, that we can put off our lives until tomorrow, but every NOW is the future we are living into. Make the best of it, be your best self and while you’re at it… just to be BRAVE and BOLD for the moment and live life like your hair’s on fire!
A Soul’s Perspective
(This poem came to a broken-hearted me, three months after Christian’s death. Showing me another perspective, it was a welcome gift of cheer, comfort and relief given to me from a higher aspect of myself)
I dreamed I was a body,
and you, a body too.
I dreamed bad things could happen,
both, to me and you.
I dreamed that there was sickness,
that death and loss were real.
I dreamed we could be separate,
Oh! … the pain that we could feel!
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My friend Jared posted a beautiful message on Facebook, so with permission, I share it with you.
He wrote, “While walking home tonight…. I noticed a small memorial for a homeless person …lost to the streets.
Then, I saw a man crying. So I walked up and hugged him. He said he couldn’t remember the last time someone hugged him. So I hugged him some more … and he hugged me in return.
I told him that I loved him. He told me he loved me too.
Smiling, we parted ways.
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