With all our personal history behind us, sometimes it’s hard to believe that we are not our past. We feel it so completely; the same old thoughts, the same old emotions, and just like the rigidity of DNA programming, the same old relentless stories from the past dictating who we are or need to be. Now, this is not so much an issue if your past is informing you of how good and powerful you are. BUT, if the messages from the past are negative and destructive to your growth, development and happiness, then it’s time to cut the cords and be set free!
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Category Archives: Forgiveness
Prayer for the Dying…
In his beautifully written book, titled “Home with God… In a Life That Never Ends“, a comforting perspective is offered for your consideration.
Author and minister, Neale Donald Walsch, asks God, “What can I say to those who are dying? Until now this has always been a tough one for me. For most of us, I would imagine. What comfort can I offer them?”
God replies, “If you find people who believe that forgiveness is what is required to make them “worthy of heaven,” offer them forgiveness – and tell them that God does so also. If you find people who believe that they will be stepping right into the arms of God and their loved ones after their death, offer them confirmation – and tell them that God does so also. If you find people who believe there is no life of any kind after death, offer them an alternative idea – and tell them that God does so also. God does so through many events of life, in a thousand different voices during a hundred different moments, heard by all those who will truly listen.”
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Forgiving the Perpetrator
Recently, a client of mine recommended the documentary called “Forgiving Dr. Mengele.” This documentary focused on the torment victims were made to endure in the concentration camp of Auschwitz, during the time of Nazi, Germany, specifically the sets of twins whose lives were spared for the sole purpose of human experimentation by the sadistic and infamous Dr. Josef Mengele. He chose twins because with them, he had the perfect control group at his disposal. He ran experiments on one of the twins to measure the results against the other. To Dr. Mengele, these people, mainly children, were as lab rats. He was a cruel narcissist that had no regard for them as human beings. Clearly, these people experienced horrors that were unimaginable to many in the world.
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Bridge of Forgiveness
“He who cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass…”
-George Herbert
It is the nature of human beings to make mistakes. We all do it.
To not forgive another for their mistakes is to condemn and imprison them in our own thinking of them.
But in this thinking, who is really the condemned prisoner? And who holds the key to our release? Them or us?
Stairway to Heaven
With her impending near-death experience quickly approaching, Melania, age 78, was rushed to the hospital by her son at the first indication that something was wrong. There, at the hospital, it was determined that Melania was having a heart attack, a heart attack that caused her to flat-line. As the minutes passed, concern grew that if she could not be revived soon, she would suffer brain damage.
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Ho’oponopono… an Ancient Hawaiian Healing Technique
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing practice of mental cleansing that focuses on forgiveness and reconciliation. Also known as the Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness, it is believed that when you forgive another, you are actually forgiving yourself. When you forgive, you are set free from the painful emotional states that fuel thoughts and feelings of darkness. But mostly, you are set free from the past. Ho’oponopono means, “to put right.”
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Our Innocence
EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique
I want to introduce you to… or remind you of… EFT. I post this technique as one of many assisting tools that can lead you along the path of personal freedom. I know it has helped me, so I share this with you too.
EFT was developed by Gary Craig. It was adapted from Though Field Therapy and is based on the theory that the cause of all negative emotion are rooted in disruptions to the body’s energy system. Therefore, EFT is used to neutralized and clear negative emotional patterns, thus, restoring balance. It is simple to understand, easy to use, and is found to be highly effective by many.
EFT involves using the Set Up, The Sequence and The Gamut. You don’t have to understand the details about how it works for it to work on you. You just need to do it and see for yourself. To give you an idea of how well it works, it has been used with a high degree of effectiveness on people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. If people with PTSD can find relief and recovery, than I figure…. it’s worth a try.
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Grieving a Sudden/Unexpected Death
This is my experience about how I eventually transformed the terrible darkness of despair and healed as I chose to enter into the light. How did I do it? I rose to my highest and strongest self and chose LOVE and LIGHT, rather then sinking to my lowest and weakest self, and allowing FEAR and BITTERNESS to overcome me.
Here is my story on… How to grieve the sudden and unexpected death of a loved one…
When you hear the news, you simply refuse to believe what their mouth is saying and what your ears are hearing. Perhaps all sounds will cease and you will be left with only the motion of their mouth moving as shock and denial set in.
Emotions swell quickly. You know…. the ones you would rather not feel. The ones you’ve worked so hard all your life to avoid. No one likes these ones but nevertheless, it doesn’t stop them from coming forth with unabashed fury and intensity. Oh, this is intense! Breathe.
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