Without our departed loved ones, we often feel alone. We often feel unheard. What if we are not only heard, but connected in ways that we could never be apart?
Many years ago, a few months after Christian died, I was outside crying again. It was unusually cold that day, even though it was summer. I was bundled up in a blanket while reading on the front porch. I liked sitting out there when the wind blew because the sound of the wind chimes I had placed around the porch, gave me a certain amount of comfort and peace… maybe like heaven was not so far away.
I remember thinking how cold it was. Although the weather that day was most unseasonable, it sort of matched the cold harsh dread of grief that I felt inside. When it finally got too cold for me, I went inside and started to work around the house. It wasn’t too long before I noticed that the house was particularly hot. Thinking to myself that I was not working that hard to experience that much heat, I noticed the heater was not only on, but up really high. The only thing is… that no one turned the thermostat to heat. It was previously set to air conditioner since it was summertime.
When I noticed this strange happening, and turned the heat off, I noticed that the fan was turned on as well. This does not ever happen. Christian must have heard my thoughts about being cold and tried to lighten my sad mood by letting me know he was around, doing what he could. Also, assuring that I would be warm.
Although it might seem implausible to some, I have found through the experience of others and that of my own, that our loved ones do, in fact, have a way of hearing our words and thoughts. It’s called perception through consciousness and it’s really very simple for them to be aware of us and our thoughts and feelings. Although it might seem not to be the case since their passing, we are always connected, but our physical senses so often deceive us.
If we try to understand the afterlife through the template of what we think we know about this world, we will never even begin to understand or know anything different than what we already do. When it comes to explaining things in the afterlife, I have often said that this life is like a cheap imitation to the world beyond. That place is limitless and abundant. If we don’t allow ourselves to be patiently open to the Spirit, the after-death communications of others and all spiritual things in nature, we just might miss a lot.
Sure, many times it’s easy to over-look something spiritual as a coincidence. Some people even think of a sign or after-death communication as one’s imagination. I’ve got good news for the imaginative. Just because you think you’ve imagined something, it doesn’t mean it didn’t actually happen. For the greater part, I’ve found that after-death communication’s main access occurs precisely through that sort of brain wonderment state.
Too often, our departed loved ones are the unseen force that mysteriously cause unexplainable things to happen that don’t get acknowledged enough. Christian had to somehow push both buttons in opposite directions to turn the heat on, so, as a sign, I would know he was with me.
I did believe that then. Today?

Heaven – image Willgard/Pixabay
I don’t even bother to question anymore. I don’t believe in the afterlife. With the many, many after-death communications that I have received personally, I have a sure knowledge that there’s an afterlife. And now, with all my experience, as well as the experiences that others have sent my way, I don’t need wind chimes to feel close to heaven, my knowledge in the afterlife gives me more peace and comfort than I ever had before.
I also know our departed loved ones are aware enough to perceive our thoughts and feelings. They hear us. They love us, and do things for us, too. We never have to go on without them when they are with us all the time. We are always connected in some way we don’t always understand.
Many blessing for a New Year of peace, love, hope and healing!
Jade xo
Oh Jade, how timely your posting. Yesterday in particular I was very teary and melancholy…about all my departed relatives, and of course Rich the most. You always bring things into perspective, and I too, know there is an afterlife…I absolutely believe there is. Too many signs here on earth not to believe it. I hope one day to meet you. You have been such an inspiration to me and have helped me so much. Have a
Blessed, Prosperous, Happy, and Healthy New Year 2020.
Thank you, Kathy. I’m glad this makes a difference. 🙂
You have crossed that line between believing and knowing. It’s very comforting.
I hope to meet you someday too. Florida? It could happen. 🙂
Well Kathy, you have been an inspiration to me as well. I love your spirit! Thanks for contributing your inspiring after-death experiences (and book) with us all. Happy New Year! In my mind’s eye I see Rich smiling on you, still guiding you and the vessel you are in across the many oceans of life’s seascapes to your final destination. There, upon the shores of heaven, you will feel each other’s embrace once more.
I love this Jade! Happy new year to you. I have a cool story that I will send to you. Thanks for all do to help others. Xo
Karen Peirce
Thanks Karen. Happy New Year to you!
Please, please send it! 🙂
Thank you. It is a pleasure to do so. Thanks for reading and commenting… and for the experiences that you have contributed to GriefandMourning.com that help people so much. So appreciated. xo
Such a wonderful and true post. It took me a year and a half with all the signs I was getting from Dustin and his friends to realize it was not coincidence but Dustin. I know now it was Dustin that led me to your site. I never thought about any of this before he died. I used to say “when you are dead, you are dead. Not true.
Now, when I see 44’s and 88’s on cars (Dustin’s numbers) , I smile because he is letting me know he is with me. When I hear the commuter train whistle, I smile. It is Dustin saying hi. He loved traveling on trains. A couple times when I was having problems with the state and my autistic son, I would get a phone call. The call always starts…”someone in your house ordered a back brace…” . Dustin had back problems. No one else here does. I know these calls are Dustin telling me he is with me and sees what I am going through. So many signs…candles always appear on the google search engine on Aug. 9. (his birthday). I am the only one to get them. Things disappearing then reappearing in another spot, a video of a security ceiling fan appearing in a hospital right after I say the room is too hot (Dustin was in security) …it goes on and on. And his friends were reporting back signs to me also.
I have found when you open up your mind and believe you will get signs you never saw before. Now it just seems natural to me. Our loved ones are still with us and do hear our thoughts. No question on that. Even my close friends Abe and Kenny who died at a nursing home have sent me signs letting me know they made it to the afterlife.
If it were not for your site, Jade, I would not have made it. The signs I get are all that keeps me going. They give me peace because I know life does not end at death. It begins.
My husband is still having problems with Dustin’s death. He does not believe in the signs or the afterlife . It has been 4 1/2 years. He bounces from one grief support group to another. Until he believes for himself, I don’t think he will have peace. It pains me to see him like this.
So thank you again, Jade, for being there for us. Your site and you opened my eyes. I hope others find your site. You have helped so many of us.
By the way, Happy New Year. Let’s hope 2020 is better than 2019.
Pat Koch
Thank you, Pat. You are so sweet. I appreciate it.
I think Dustin has let all of us know that there is an afterlife. Right? Good grief he has manifested a lot. I’m glad. But I’m most thankful that you have a sure knowledge of an afterlife. Remember? Once, you were a tough nut to crack as far as not thinking you could get those after-death communications, but geez Pat. 😉 You have touched us all with your experiences.
I hope your husband finds peace soon. 4 1/2 years is a long time to go without some sort of healing. Perhaps he will experience an undeniable witness of the afterlife. I wish that for everyone. The world would be a better place, I think.
Happy New Year, Pat. May 2020 be a year full of bliss and wonder. And I mean that wonder part in a good way. 😉 xo
Thank you Jade, for the timely story. Thanks for the reminder that we are surrounded with those we Love and those we Love and have lost.
New Year’s blessing to you too. I am thankful for you and appreciate you.
Happy New Year to all.
Thanks Sage. I appreciate it and you. Happy New Year to you too. xo
I’ve had my own experience with the ceiling fan turning itself on as well, and I just heard another one last week where a family I know all went away on holiday leaving one of the daughters at home as she had to work.
Everyday when she came home from work the ceiling fans were on. It happened everyday until the family returned from their holiday. I love it!
I love to keep hearing about peoples experiences, it certainly gives you hope.
Happy New Year Jade and have a great 2020, and thanks for this wonderful site xxx
Thanks Liz! Happy New Years to you, too. 🙂
Thanks for sharing all your after-death communications. It’s because of people like you that gives so much hope to grieving readers. It makes such a difference and it’s pretty amazing when they happen. xo
Lovely story Jade and what a beautiful way to share your perspective.
Great post, reminds me that we are connected to our loved ones in ways that go so much beyond what we think of in just our physical day to day life. I think that is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.