Of all the desired after-death communications one could receive, seeing a departed loved one in the physical realm again, is desired above all.
Since her beloved husband, Art, passed, Sally has been no stranger to after-death communications from him. Each one delighted her in ways that only a visit from Heaven can. What Sally really wanted more than anything though, was to see Art again in her physical world. A tall order for most of us, as well as our departed to achieve.
Picture this.
It was a beautiful warm and sunny Autumn day, at the secluded lake house cottage. A beautiful day for a wedding. Lake and woods as far as the eye could see. Gathered at the ceremony as witnesses were approximately 40 seated guests.
On the deck of the cottage lake house stood the Groom, Michael Whitey and Bride, Kyra, to be united in marriage. Also there, the Groom’s men, Bride’s maids and Marriage Official. The men were dressed in khaki trousers and navy sports jackets. The bride was dressed in white. The bride’s maids were dressed in black dresses.
Excitement was in the air on this beautiful day as it was finally the moment that the couple would tie the knot.
Then, there was Art…
Leaning up against the cottage wall on the deck with the wedding line, stood Art. He was even dressed in khaki pants and navy sports jacket, just like the rest. Wearing the same attire even when he could not be seen by most, demonstrated to the one who did see him, Sally, his support, approval and participation in the new union being formed. And, of course, she would share this with their son.
Art passed in Spring of 2023, and yet there he was. Sally was looking right at him. As Michael and Kyra were reciting their vows to one another and Michael messed up a little, embarrassed, he started to laugh. Art chuckled too. Sally says it was a typical response from Art.
Art was in a clear and solid form. He stood about 6 feet from his son, where he leaned against the wall and about 10 feet from his beloved wife. He was there just under an hour. He looked the same way he always did, very recognizable in looks, as well as in mannerisms.
Seeing a Departed
Honestly, seeing a departed loved one this clear, solid and for this long is not as common as we would wish, though it does happen.
Art was standing there for so long that Sally actually thought he would probably be in attendance at the Wedding Dinner, right after. However, Art disappeared after the vows were given and she did not see him anymore after that. Sally also found out that she had been the only one to see Art at the wedding. Sally said that Art never looked anywhere except at the bride and groom.
Don’t forget the Cowboy theme!
After Sally told me about her miraculous experience, I asked her if I could share it as a post, to which she agreed.
When I was asking Sally for more clarity about some things, I saw a cowboy theme that quickly flashed before my eyes and I felt that this was given to me by Art. I asked her, “What did seeing this have to do with Art?”
At first, Sally confirmed that Art wasn’t a Cowboy. Then, Sally remembered the day after the wedding was a western-theme reception party at Michael’s. The girls wore denim dresses and some of the guys wore boots and cowboy hats. Michael was among them, boots and hat.
Art’s Message
Up to that point, Sally had not told me anything about the reception party or its western theme. She only told me of the wedding and the wedding dinner. She was wondering and maybe even expecting Art to be at the other events as well. However, she did not see him at either.
What this exchange told me in realtime is that Art was hearing our conversation when she shared her experience with me. She didn’t see Art anywhere but the Wedding. Art sent me the image of the cowboy so I would ask her about it.
Art wanted to let Sally know that he was also at the cowboy-themed reception the next day because he could describe it to me by showing me an image. Art not only hears (perceives) Sally when she talks, but he hears her wishes and concerns. He wanted to let her know.
The bottom line of Art’s message. “Even though you don’t always know it, I am always with you. I always know what is going on in your life. And, In fact, I’m everywhere that you are.”
Also see, Sally’s Loneliness After Loss

photo credit: Oddessya (Pixabay)