The last post was of Pat’s experience with the passing of her friend, Abe. Since that short time, Pat has received an after-death communication from him.
Pat writes:
“Well…this is interesting. For 8 months my watch had stopped at 20 minutes to 4:00. My last conversation with Abe was about whether there is time in the next life. We made a pact that, whoever died first would let the other know.”
“I have not replaced the battery, hoping Abe would fix it as a sign given to me. I just looked at my watch and it now says 10 minutes to 3:00. Abe died around 3 am.”
“My watch is still not working but this makes me smile. I know this is a sign from Abe. He is letting me know he is still with us. Now, I definitely will not put a new battery in it. Every time I look at my watch, I will think of our previous conversation and this new sign from him, and smile.”
“Thank you, Abe!”
Commentary- In my last post, I Didn’t Get a Chance to say Goodbye, Pat shared her last experience with her friend, Abe, and his passing. Well, it’s hardly been two weeks since that post, which focused on departed Abe, when lo and behold, Abe comes forth to remember the promise of a pact made, since Abe was the first to cross over to the other side.

The existence of time
The subject of their pact was whether time, as we know it in the physical world, exists in the heavenly one as well. And not even the last part of this sentence is accurate, as some of the brightest minds in mathematics and science do not know for sure if time exists at all.
For sure, scientists have been trying to understand the nature of “time” for a long time. Given time’s invisible nature, it doesn’t help them much. However, the more physicists study time, the more time seems to not exist, not even in this realm, although that might have not been something the average person has really given much thought to. Our world may be less solid and static than we might think.
Time is really like a fence that appears solid from a distance. You get closer and you begin to notice the many fibers that make up that fence and the many vulnerabilities. But, looking deeply into a microscope, these fibers seem to separate as our vision peers through them, giving way to the molecules and someday, the atoms from which they are made.
The conundrum to explain time’s existence and what time is, among physicists is called, the “problem of time.” You can read more about this here.
Time may actually just be a concept to document our experiences in some way. Have you ever noticed how time can seem to go so fast, while other times, so slow. Have you ever just lost track of time? Where did it go?

Eternity NOW
In many after-death experiences, time seems to be, at the very least, distorted from our place of existence, if not timeless. Loved ones appear as their youthful selves. Many times, lucid dream visits with our departed loved ones take place in another realm with time distortion.
My point is that even the smartest of the smartest physicists and mathematicians do not understand the nature of time and can’t even say if time exists in this realm or another. Perhaps it will be possible for us to understand the nature of time in the next life, but it could remain a mystery as well. I mean, having thought we have been experiencing time up to this point, how would we explain no time?
I think what Abe was saying with his sign to Pat about her watch, was not necessarily a booming answer from the universe, (and maybe it was) but rather… that he remembers their pact together and is with her at THIS time and always.
And… Pat smiled.
Boy…does time exist is a loaded question. Even here in this life. I have often wondered how the next life would be with out time. Do our loved ones still see us as they remember us or do they see us getting older? And if they see us as getting older …how do they explain that with no time up there? Or maybe it is time is not important anymore when they reach the next life. Either way, they have all eternity to figure this out.
I am just glad Abe remembered out pact. I had been thinking he must have forgot after looking at my stopped watch for 8 months. Now I look at it and smile. Yep…Abe didn’t forget and let me know.
Good post, Jade. It makes one think. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing your experience. 🙂
All good questions you ask. We use the word time so much. I guess with the day following the night, as well as the seasons that change, and let’s not forget our apparent aging, as examples, we have come to believe that these things have to do with time, rather than marking events in our lives. Time might have more to do with space, itself. As most scientists are still baffled by the nature of time, there is no point trying to figure it out or how it works, if indeed it does exist. But it is fun to think about. Maybe feeling disconnected from our departed has something to do with our belief in time. Perhaps there is no time and they exist with us anyway. I like to tell people that the present moment is the most powerful place to dwell because our loved ones are with us in every NOW.
You are right. Live in the present. We can’t change the past and who knows about the future?
Thanks for a good post. It really makes one think.
Years ago I was talking to some old work mates about this. The door was open, I was sat at the reception desk beside the open door, and the two other girls were sat at the dressing table near me (hairdressing salon).
We’d been discussing life after death and I remember saying I hoped there was life after death as it’s a long time dead (this was years ago before I knew what I’ve learned since), and then this woman stopped in the doorway, I’ve no idea where she came from, how she’d picked upon our conversation, as she stood there and said, “time is just a concept of this dimension”, with that she went! It has stayed with me ever since.
I still wonder if she’d been sent there just to confirm what we’d been discussing.
Yes. I’ve had that sort of thing too. It’s really weird when that happens. Out of nowhere and one who knows the conversation or situation. For sure she was confirming it. It could have even been a heavenly being. That’s what I finally figured out when it happened to me. Thanks for sharing. Our lives here on Earth are stranger than we think. Many times, we just tune out that part because it doesn’t make sense in our world. I say, “Pay attention to that!” I love that stuff. xo
I love it too. It really makes you think 🙂
I think Jade published my experience with a watch a few years ago. After Rich died, I put his watch, eyeglasses, lock of hair, and wedding band in a music box that my sister gave me after he died. Before going to bed I would hold his wedding band and cry. About 8 months after he died, while holding the band a voice in my head said, “look at the watch”. I looked at the music box and glanced at the watch. Again, “look at the watch. Again I looked over in the music box, thinking what the heck. The third time the voice was adamant “LOOK AT THE WATCH”. So I picked it up, looked at it, and it was stopped at the exact time of Rich’s death. When it stopped I do not know. I just took it as a sign he was communicating with me.
That’s awesome. Sounds familiar. I might have to write about this one as a post if I haven’t already. It is a good example to explain promptings, which are important to acknowledge and follow. Okay?
Thanks for sharing Pat, love the you made a pact to communicate after death. And thanks Jade, I like the fence analogy. Things are not always what they seem…
I had been thinking to put a new battery in it lately. I figured Abe forgot about our pact. After all, it was 8 months. But then again, if there is no time in heaven…how would he know it was 8 months?
I think Jade’s post reminded him to contact me.
These spirits always amaze me.
Right? Good point, Pat! xo
Beautiful communications and Very deep topic thank you Jade.