EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique

I want to introduce you to… or remind you of… EFT. I post this technique as one of many assisting tools that can lead you along the path of personal freedom. I know it has helped me, so I share this with you too.

EFT was developed by Gary Craig. It was adapted from Though Field Therapy and is based on the theory that the cause of all negative emotion are rooted in disruptions to the body’s energy system. Therefore, EFT is used to neutralized and clear negative emotional patterns, thus, restoring balance. It is simple to understand, easy to use, and is found to be highly effective by many.

EFT involves using the Set Up, The Sequence and The Gamut.  You don’t have to understand the details about how it works for it to work on you. You just need to do it and see for yourself. To give you an idea of how well it works, it has been used with a high degree of effectiveness on people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. If people with PTSD can find relief and recovery, than I figure…. it’s worth a try.
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Our Struggles in Life

a person challenging an alligator

Bring it on!

Our struggles. Not always fun, but necessary… or we would never grow, develop and evolve into what we could eventually become.

It is within our greatest struggles that our greatest growth is realized. We find a way…. simply… because we have to. It is our nature to do so.

But….. thank goodness for the good and easy times! It’s funny…. when we are experiencing those times, we think they will last forever. I mean, how could life get any better than when we are having those beautiful moments? In those moments… they couldn’t.

Unfortunately, there are other moments too. These are the moments of struggle. Sometimes… we think those times will last forever too! And sometimes we are certain that they will!
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