Why are some people more susceptible to being an access point for spiritual experiences rather than others? Here is something to consider.
In my last post, Other Worldly Experiences, Kim shared her husband, Terry’s, experience that left him fearless of death. Although it was many years ago, it gave him reassurance that death and the afterlife is nothing to be afraid of.

Kim writes:
“Weeks before my husband’s passing, Terry fell onto our tiny stair landing. He was going downstairs to go to the bathroom. I heard him fall, I sprang out of bed screaming, “TERRY, TERRY!” His head was turned at an odd, almost upside down angle. The top of his body was on the landing, his legs were still on the top of the one step. As I was screaming, he was not answering me and I thought he was dead! Finally, as I reached him to help him up, he spoke. He later told his sister that he was hovering up at the ceiling, looking down on himself!”
Commentary- Have you ever wondered why some people are more spiritually sensitive than others? This question comes up a lot… and unfortunately is paired with a lot of their frustration that they consider themself to be the non-sensitive type. Already feeling harshed up about their perceived deficit of spiritual sensitivity, the bigger the issue the non-sensitive person makes it – the more difficult being spiritually sensitive becomes. This vicious cycle of wanting and not getting, has the tendency of leaving one to feel frustrated and inadequate, furthermore, adding insult to injury.
However, being spiritually sensitive is not about being adequate or inadequate. Consciously or unconsciously, with their consciousness, some people are just able to tap into the upper/outer edges of the vibrational frequency range more easily.

The physical realm, in which we experience our everyday lives, is made up a vibrational frequencies. Most people perceive their reality within a particular vibrational range. This range could also be referred to as a vibrational spectrum. In this context, we experience the five physical senses that are so common to everyday living. We are very familiar with them- seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling.
We are told by some skeptics, that nothing exists outside this particular set of vibrational frequencies. “That’s just our life and there is nothing else.” And… if something else is experienced outside of physical explanation, that experience may be chalked up to either fringe, fantasy or insanity. Adding, “Go back to your 5-sensory cubicle, weirdo!” But… how much sense does this really make when so many people have viewed phenomena outside of the box?
Of course, those people saying this are usually the ones whose consciousnesses have never ventured outside the status quo perimeter to have a genuine spiritual experience. It is also true that these spiritual experiences are often unexplainable, when trying to convey them from a physical context of a five-physical-senses brain point of view. That’s all there is to the brain’s knowledge base, and the rest is likely perceived as either a mystery, weird or invalid.
The Law of Vibration, one of the Universal Laws, states that everything in the Universe is in motion and is made up of vibration. That means you, your thoughts and emotions, every one else, their thoughts and emotions and basically… everything. Within a human’s paradigm, we mostly have access to the range that includes the physical 5-senses range, except those rare moments when we find ourselves in higher frequencies and wonder, “What the heck just happened?”
However, if, for some reason, our ability to sense anything becomes greatly heightened, and with our consciousness, we are able to go closer to or beyond the higher frequency of the upper or outer edges of the normal physical range, we are susceptible to having a spiritual experience, allowing us to receive and be privy to spiritual information from the spiritual realm. It’s really that simple.
There are some people who consistently experience their lives on the upper edges of the vibrational spectrum, some of us only visit periodically, and others seem to never visit at all, as they are firmly grounded in the lower ends of the physical spectrum. Usually, those people rarely have a spiritual experience, nor do they believe they exist. And then… there exists some combination of everything in between.
However, it does seem to be true that, once you are sensitive enough to have a spiritual experience, you become more susceptible to experiencing them more often. It’s as if your consciousness shifts to allow for more. Perhaps the brain accepts the new unknown experience enough to allow it a place to reside and eventually integrate.
Terry was such a person. Being spiritually sensitive, Terry’s consciousness was, at times, able to experience a heightened degree of range.
A whole range of catalysts can create the “space” to become more spiritually sensitive. We all know that prayer, meditation, relaxation, and hypnosis can create a high vibration because of particular brainwaves that are induced. Thoughts of empowerment, love and goodwill excel on the emotional scale. Positive thoughts, as well as dwelling in possibility are considered a high state of mind. It is understandable that hate, greed, cruelty and all other negative ways of being, affect us greatly in the opposite direction, as the vibrational frequency is very low.
Terry was also open to receiving these experiences. After experiencing the world beyond, after his mother-in-law’s passing, losing his fear of death, then seeing himself lay helpless on the stair landing after his fall, he did not have to learn that he was a spiritual being having a physical experience. He knew it already. Also, it does occur that one who is close to their death, as was Terry at the time, is more sensitive to leaving their physical body. It seems that in the process and preparation of crossing over to the next life, the spirit begins to detach itself from the metaphorical heaviness of the physical body it was grounded in for so long. I say this because he was easily knocked from his body with his fall. On some level, the spirit knows when it’s time to return to its heavenly home. Sadly for those left behind, Terry passed just weeks later in May of 2020.
Here are some other examples of spiritually sensitive people. There are people who go into a coma, no longer grounded in their physical bodies or in the context of the five senses in which they have previously experienced their lives. Once that happens, it is possible that without the physical reminder of the body, consciousness shifts, and slowly begins to drift off into the world beyond. There are children, who have playmates that we can’t see. Fresh with youth and innocence in this world, often they don’t know they are only supposed to exist in a particular vibrational frequency until we teach them more of what we say is appropriate in the physical plane. So, they experience what they experience, and we tell them they are imagining things. Eventually, most forget they are spirit’s first, loose their sensitivity and also the biggest part of themselves- their true nature becomes hidden.
At some point in life, usually later on, some begin to awaken to a deeper part of themselves and wonder how they can be more spiritually sensitive. The first thing is about being aware that being spiritually sensitive is even possible. The second is understanding how it occurs. Having an open mind increases the chances because with it comes the awe and wonder of a child who is innocent to limits, which is such a great foundation for experiencing possibilities beyond this realm.
Anyone can bring out their inner spiritually sensitive self. When you come from the place that you are spirit first, being spiritually sensitive comes more naturally. After all, spiritual sensitivity is a huge part of your intrinsic nature.
Thanks for that Jade. As usual, you’ve reinforced what I have read elsewhere. I love it!
Thanks, Liz.xo
Thanks for the post. Great ideas for creating “space ” as you say to become more connected to our spiritual side.
Wow that was a very detailed and precisely informed explanation of the spiritual experience. We truly are spiritual beings having physical experiences. This knowledge makes you aware of the fact that you can raise your consciousness. We have the capacity to tune in or tune out mentally. This is why I am persuaded that our spiritual being impacts our mental state. Most people are not aware of this but those who experience mental imbalance are definitely tapped into the spiritual realm. Some are trapped some are there by way of trauma others by consciousness. Its not right or wrong its just factual and can seem fictional. We were beautifully and wonderfully made. I had a hard time with the passing of my late husband but I prayed and ask God to allow him to come to me. In my sleep I saw him and he spoke to me. The words he shared brought me comfort but I still did not want to let go. I say until this day that I AM in love with a dead man. That sounds imbalanced or crazy or insane and to some maybe even funny. However its not right or wrong its a fact. I have attended grief recovery classes and they helped a great deal. It gave me tools, an outlet, provided a safe place, support and even hope. It wasnt hope that I would see him again or even know him the way I knew him but hope to live through my experience hope to live beyond it hope to be strong despite the personal loss. Then as I heal and evolve to wholeness again the revelation of us being spiritial beings having a physical experience made me realize its just another experience. When I pray and I talk to my loving Father. he helped me by the power of His Spirit to know that my experience was not my loss but was His rightful gain and to see his absence from the physical as a transition. Now as much a I loved that man and as much as I relish his memory and the joy of our union at first I was apprehensive to accept this proposal if you will. When I meditated on it reflected on it I considered it really makes sense for me to receive this proposal. Nevertheless I still arrive at my present conclusion which is Im in love with a dead man. That doesn’t make me sad it actually makes me smile. Funny! Thank you for sharing and allowing me to share.
Thank you for sharing, Ruth. I completely understand. 🙂 Love is the glue that bonds us together. Love does not die with death, on either side. I appreciate your positive perspective. 🙂 God bless. xo
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
There’s help for us all to continue to raise our vibrations.
Ruth, that is so funny to hear you say you are in love with a dead man, because I say the same thing about my late husband too.
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Pretty solid explaination, thanks Jade.