Have you ever heard of a child’s invisible friend? Have you ever wondered why it is so much easier for children to see the spirits of the departed?
One day, many years ago, a little girl named Heather, was playing quietly in her bedroom in her big beautiful house. Then unexpectedly, she was visited by a lady who carried on a conversation with her before she vanished as quickly as she came. After which, she thought to tell her mother about her experience.
“A nice lady came to visit me.” “Were you scared?” her mother asked. “No” Heather said, “Because she was a nice lady.”
The little girl was my cousin’s young child. That nice lady was figured out to be my Grandmother, my Nana. That beautiful home in which Heather’s family lived, was the house my Nana designed and my Grandpa had built for her. Nana lived in her amazing home for decades after my Grandpa died, until she crossed over in her nineties to reunite with him again. After which, It was my cousin who bought her home where, after he married, he started his young family.
Commentary- Our departed loved ones love and care about us. They have interest in our lives. Wherever you might think they have gone- “over there, somewhere”, constantly around or anywhere in between, our departed loved ones check in on us and are around to protect and guide us while we go through our lives. Sometimes they appear as solid as a person, while other times they manifest as sheer as a thought in our head or even a subtle sensation in our body that could be easy to miss, but they are here. Here, with us.

childlike innocence
Ghosts and spirits are basically the same thing, made of the spirit material called subtle energy. Whatever scary movies are out there, spirits are sometimes misunderstood. They are harmless and often come to look in, guide and comfort us. They do not materialize to scare us.
It should not be a surprise that children are especially sensitive to seeing or communicating with spirits… those they may know, as well as those they don’t know.
In their innocence, and full of their childlike wonder, they have not yet been tarnished in their thinking. They have not been burdened in their hearts. They have not yet succumbed to the fearfulness, cynicism and disillusionment that become more common as adulthood approaches. They are not bogged down with disbelief. In fact, they believe most anything… including that a nice lady could magically appear in her room to have a conversation with her. Some parents call them “invisible friends.” But… little do they know, and brush them off like crumbs after a meal, causing children to lose their ability and even, forget they ever had these experiences.

Childlike wonder
If there was a way for resigned and disillusioned adults, who have the experience of having been beaten down by the people and situations of life to return to a childlike state of innocence and wonder, it could be just enough for the walls of doubt and disbelief to come crashing down. Doubt mixed with anger, apathy and disenchantment can make one heck of a wall. Doing what it takes to allow those walls to fail could be the beginning of a constant connection to the spiritual realm and a more sure way to connect. Just a thought, but either way, it would certainly be much more peaceful. Let them fall.
In the end, what we are really talking about is simple humility, wonder and faith. These qualities are abundant in the innocent – whether they be found in children or adults.
The magical spiritual moments of connecting with departed loved ones in a heavenly space- are best accomplished when we are the possibility of being as a an innocent child.

Yes, I’ve read this before. It’s lovely, and as always, very comforting.
I don’t remember having had invisible friends, but I did wonder from a very early age, about 7 going on 8, why I was in my body, and where was I before – so the quest began!
Sometimes the invisible friends or spirits can be the most wise and meaningful teachers. Thank you Jade.
2 days before my father passed, I was staying overnight at the hospital with him, My oldest daughter texted, said my youngest daughter who was 2 1/2 at the time, woke up and kept saying she saw a ghost in a pink dress, ( believing it was by mother who passed a few years earlier) I was talking to the priest and he said little kids can see spirits because they are innocent. The day after my father’s funeral, I was asking my young daughter what she wanted for lunch, and her focus shifted off me to an area behind me, She said I see a ghost, then she said I see 2, I said what and she said it was grandma and grandpa, I said did they say anything and she said yes, they said tell your mom Thank You, then left. ( My youngest never met my mom, she passed before she was born. I felt relieved that they were together ❤️
That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing. 🙂