COVID-19 covers the face of the Planet now, but we are in this together. Even with our hardships, let’s commit to rise to the occasion. If so… we got this!

Coronavirus Image: Pixabay
An apocalypse of sorts is revealed as a new and threatening virus is made known to all. A virus that is quickly spreading over the face of the planet. Just an innocent microorganism, doing what microorganisms do- in this case, a virus just trying to survive by finding hosts that will allow itself to spread from one person to another. Except… this microorganism has the potential to be deadly to us, as it infects its human hosts for proliferation. Unfortunately, this pathogen creates a tremendous threat on humankind, that may inevitably, to some degree, cause a restart on humanity at large, or at least, our way of life.
Although many saw it coming from a distance, as it approaches ever closer, we now know it’s real. Many public places are shutting their doors. Sheltering in place, people are hunkering down for the long term. Our life is changing. Our habits will do the same. There will be a lot of adjustments to make as we deal with the perpetual cabin fever that is sure to come, as the weather improves. But that’s just the little stuff.
Fear is spreading, too. Many are imagining the worst. The food is off grocery store shelves. The medical staff desperately needs supplies and equipment. The gun stores are crowded. People are clamoring for real answers to real questions. These thoughts have caused panic among some, creating great distress. “What about work?” “How will we pay for this, that and the other?” “Where did our 401K go?” “Will those on the street find shelter, food and care?” “Will we get sick?” “Will we survive?” There is a lot to consider here. And, as organisms ourselves, who are programmed for survival, it is natural that we would find ourselves confronted with the dark thoughts of our own mortality.

Coronavirus Image: Pixabay
Although it might become as bad as we think, and although it’s difficult not to, it does no good to worry and fret. It is what it is. It will be what it will be. For much of it, the dye has been cast. With all the chaos… with all the fear going around about who will live and who will fall prey to this invisible force, will humankind rise to the occasion?
What I really mean is, will we as imperfect human beings rise to the occasion of greatness without having to die first? Will we rise up from our mortal to our immortal heavenly selves to see from a higher perspective and evolve ourselves into greater beings?
Our lives will change as we know them. There will be stuff we don’t like. There will be tragedies, too. But, because of our forced shift in perspective, we will discover new ways of living, important breakthroughs will be made, technology will increase, new creations will be conceived, children too, and new ways of being will give us an opportunity to be greater than we ever thought ourselves to be. This moment will truly define us, individually and collectively, as we are asked to evolve as humans.
As the alarm bells go off, it’s like we are awakening to this new reality that is directly speaking to us, as if to say, “Wake up! Pay attention! Look at who you are being in the whole mix of things. Is this who you are choosing to be? Is this how you choose to live. Many are rethinking their priorities.
I’m just saying, since we are also organisms just trying to survive, as intelligent organisms, we can make a choice. Let’s reach out to others, in the non-physical ways, of course, in ways that can help. You know, we could choose to be part of the solution in solving this devastating problem for humankind. Here are some thoughts. Choosing…
Positivity over negativity.
Faith over fear.
Love over hatred.
Kindness over cruelty.
Grace over disgrace.
Adaptability over rigidity.
Compassion over indifference.
Calmness and centeredness over panic.
Service and selflessness over selfishness.
Patience over frustration
Bravery over cowardice.
Encouragement over despair.
Inspiration over resignation.
Making a difference in the world over making no difference at all.
Many of us might not be out on the front lines, but adopting these qualities in ourselves would work to hold space for the world at large, as it fights a war against an invisible enemy. It’s also a good practice to adopt, thereby evolving ourselves to be far greater beings.
Like the 5.7 magnitude earthquake we recently had in Utah, that scared us all when the land furiously shifted, I realize that we, humanity as a whole, are experiencing a shift, as well. However bad this gets, it is also an important opportunity and test for us to band together as a whole and to do what we can to make a difference.
Will we rise to the occasion individually? Will we rise collectively? Will we make that shift? It’s up to us. Resignation or inspiration? Rising to the occasion requires us to rise up from our everyday, default selves to our inspirational (in spirit) heavenly selves. Doesn’t that part sound amazing?
My prayers go out to those suffering from COVID-19 at this time. May you have a speedy recovery.
My condolences to those whose loved one has now or is about to pass away. May you be comforted in your sorrow. May their light assist our planet from beyond.
A shout out of gratitude to all those brave humans who are now on the front lines in this unexpected war; all medical staff, first responders, law officials, helpful and engaged policy officials, grocery store workers, transportation workers, truck drivers and warehouse/delivery workers, to name a few. Thank you!
A shout out to teachers, childcare workers, workers in online communication and technology, media, musicians, curbside restaurants workers and all workers, essential and otherwise, that I have missed listing, but will be more clearly realized and recognized as we go through this challenging time. They are heroes, in my book. All of who are an important part of the solution. Thank you!

Covid-19 Covers the Planet
One day, when this virus finally loses its power, we will eventually mourn and heal our losses; our loved ones who have succumb to the virus. We will realize how much the circumstances of our lives have changed, and maybe, cry about that, too. But we are not alone in this. Like it or not, the whole world IS our family and we are all in this together. Let’s rise to the occasion and do it with greatness. Now that we are paying attention… let us have a new appreciation for the wonder of our world and people in it and maybe the reset can be one of love and kindness. Let us be as Heaven is. Rising to the occasion is about bringing Heaven to Earth. This is my hope and prayer.
Stay well and be safe, kind, adaptable, compassionate… and all that was previously mentioned. Together we got this!
with love,
Thank you for the post. It’s so easy right now to slip into fear, thank you for reminding of the power hold to stand by one another and find our own strength.
Beloved Jade,
That was the most beautiful and moving post ever! We ARE ALL in this together, all ONE human family. Sending so much love and healing vibes to you and everyone on the planet! So grateful for you Jade! xoSara
Thank you, Sara! So grateful for you too. xo
“Positivity over negativity.
Faith over fear.
Love over hatred.”
Thanks Jade for Hope and a reminder who we all are, part of one Family, bringing Heaven to Earth.
Blessing to you all.
This is definantly the message humanity needs right now. Thank you Jade.