Warm greetings, friends and readers of GriefandMourning.com!
I hope you and yours are well, and that your summer/winter season, wherever you may live, has been good and peaceful.
Just a heads up! As you can see by the “Vol. 1” in this post, I have just started up the first periodic/newsletter/beacon for the Grief and Mourning website. Although I don’t necessarily like extra reading, myself, I found it a necessary line of communication in order for me to send you my personal greetings of love, thoughts and disseminate announcements about upcoming classes and other important information that you may be interested in. I promise to keep it short and sweet!
Coming up soon. I will be teaching my 4-week online class, “Connect With Your Departed? Being Your Own Medium” Series. Classes start October 7th. Early bird special is up now. There is also a special repeaters cost for those who want to stay in the conversation. Here’s the information about the upcoming classes, along with participant testimonials.
Upcoming Classes • Connect With Your Departed? • Testimonials
Also, I will be offering a variety of interesting and insightful classes. Even some free ones. They just take time to create. I will announce these in my upcoming newsletters.

…on the ride of our lives
Thank you for reading. My love and blessing of peace and healing go out to all of you.
May you always know that you are never alone in your trials and tribulations. We are all on this ride together. Hang on!
Thank you for your support. I truly appreciate it.
Love and living light,
Congrats Jade pls keep me updated. God bless you.
Thank you, Stella. I hope you join us for the online class in October. It is very healing. 🙂 God bless you. 🙂
That’s a great idea, thanks for all the love and insight you share.
Thank you, Eric! Thanks for reading. 🙂
What a great plan. You are a special woman with special talents.
I am blessed that you are in my life….
Thanks Mary Ann. You are a sweetheart. Ag hugs.😃