Amy’s Coin Collection

The well-known after-death communication of “coins left on our life’s path” can be a ‘valuable’ way for our departed loved ones to remind us they are always with us.

Amy's coin collection

Amy’s coin collection

Amy writes:
“Hi Jade. These are all the coins I’ve been sent the past two years. 23 pennies, 6 dimes and 1 nickel. I know they (the departed) like to leave coins.”

“This is so much like my Dad. He would save his pocket change in a coffee can and give it to his grand daughters when it was full.”

“The coins were all found in times of joy, sorrow and worry. But always in a unique place where I would find them… and just when I needed them.”

“This has been a hard month for me. My father crossed over on March 20, the first day of Spring. It’s been two years since his passing. The first day into a new refreshed body and spirit is how I like to look at it.” Continue reading

Knock It Off!

Cassie’s Grandfather shows up in many small ways to say he is with her and supports her from beyond, but says, “Knock it off with the family fighting!”

Cassie's Grandfather

Cassie’s Grandfather

Cassie writes:
“I recently lost my Grandfather in October of 2016. But, the last time I spoke to my Grandfather was June 19th, 2016, which was the day after my wedding. He stood up for my father, who abused all of his children. I tried to reach out to him during the summer and he refused to talk to me.” Continue reading


My latest after-death communication from Christian occurs in the form of a “sighting.” Lynda and Shubhika share their sightings too.


sightings Pixabay Image

It was around Christmas that I had an unexpected surprise while riding in the passenger seat of a car headed to the store. As we drove en route to one store, passing by another one, it happened. It was dark outside but I just happened to casually glance out the car window into the well-lit store and saw Christian at the register! It really was Christian!

Clearly, I saw him. He was at the front of the store, talking and smiling. Christian was so friendly, he spoke and smiled at everyone. Continue reading

Between Two Worlds

In an emergency to save her life, Rebecca has a close call as she hovers between two worlds with her departed son and mother. 

Last October, Rebecca began to have some pain in her body. After visiting her doctor in January, both figured it was not too serious and just chalked it up to some premenopausal issues.

Recently, Rebecca woke up in severe pain which was so bad that she was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. As it turned out, the unknown 8cm mass on Rebecca’s ovary ruptured and infection spread throughout her body. Needing to have two different surgeries to repair the damage, Rebecca was constantly being injected with opiates much stronger than Morphine. Even though she was not a big fan of opioids, they proved to be necessary for her to deal with her extreme pain level. Continue reading

The Gifts They Give Through Others

Two women learn that acting on the spiritual promptings of a deceased loved one makes a world of difference, for the ones who would receive them.

During the holidays, instead of getting the usual customary cakes and hampers as a Christmas gift and greeting, Elisa received a beautiful bouquet of Christmas flowers. On the surface, this may not seem to be out of the ordinary, but to Elisa, who was missing Eric during the holiday season… this gift of flowers was quite special and significant. In fact, although it was sent by an unwitting person, this particular gift of flowers had Eric’s metaphorical fingerprints… All over it! 
(In Roses, My Love? you see that while Eric was living, all Elisa wanted was for him to send her flowers!) Continue reading

Don’t Wait to Appreciate

Back in the late 1980’s, I often took a road trip from Utah to visit California; my old stomping grounds. Traveling through the barren desert of Nevada, just outside of the mountain range exiting the Utah/Arizona Border, there was an extraordinary place someone once told me about with such excitement, that I had to stop and see it for myself. So, on one such trip, I finally did it. I exited the freeway at Homestead Road and found my way across the other side of the freeway to an area where this supposed “really cool place” existed like a paradisiacal mirage in the desert.

I parked my car on a dirt parking lot and walked toward the cliff that led down to the river that ran under the freeway overpass, to see what I could see. I saw it! Right before my eyes, it was as if this part of desert landscape, in this small desolate town, out of nowhere, turned into some sort of Garden of Eden! Continue reading

The Gifts They Leave Behind

While cleaning the house, shortly before Christmas, Pat finds a Christmas gift from Dustin, intended for his mother.

Dustin's gift

Dustin’s gift

Pat writes:
“When I was cleaning a few weeks before Christmas, I found this gift all wrapped up, under the couch. It was from Dustin’s last Christmas here.”

“Dustin was always buying me little knick knacks. Somehow, it was stuck under the couch from 2014. (Shows how well I clean.)”

“Didn’t find it until a few weeks ago…2016.
I think he did this on purpose. My Christmas gift from Dustin…2016. He wanted me find it.”

Commentary- I am never surprised when I hear of this happening. I have even experienced this for myself from time to time. When this happens, it is fantastic! Somehow you just know that the gift you found was intended for you to find at that very moment. Continue reading

An Unexpected Visit

In an after-death communication, Amber, a self-proclaimed atheist, receives a message of love and comfort from her mother on the “other side.”

Amber writes:
“My Mother died in 2015. As my last living family member and with the Mother- Daughter connection that we shared, the first year has been the saddest in my 55 years of life. However, I take sweet comfort in her love for me, and in a moment after her death that I hold close to my heart.”

“It was one month after her passing. I had another day of steady tears and inconsolable sadness. The huge thing was simple: she was gone and I was alone without her. I came home exhausted from the day, sat on the couch and continued my sobbing. Then, I heard her! She said, in a voice I remember as that of how she sounded when she was in her 30s, not the weakened tone of her 78 year-old dying of cancer self. (And this is something in and of itself; that she spoke with a healthy young voice. If I was to create a message in my head from her, I would never have thought to change her voice to her younger days.) And what she said was exactly enough – not one extra word needed to be spoken. “Amber, I love you. I am here with you.”
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Taking Control of the Holidays

I know experiencing the holiday season without our loved ones can bring up a lot of emotional stuff. That’s bound to happen. But just a few quick ideas about how to navigate the holiday season to make sure that YOU are powerfully in charge.



Customarily, Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful and to show our gratitude. I recommend taking some quiet time during the day to write a letter to your loved one. In it, you could express your gratitude for them and what they contributed to your life. You might even place a token or offering (something meaningful) for them with your letter as you put it in a special place; a self-made altar, a drawer or decorative box that holds the things of theirs that you treasure. Oh sure, you may have a good cry, but let it all out. Crying is the body’s natural way to release pain and the process of letting the tears out creates brain chemicals that will help us to feel better each and every time we cry. Crying won’t hurt you, it will heal you. So don’t be afraid of those tears, or even those emotions that are causing those tears. Feel what there is to feel. It’s okay. Continue reading

Grieving Pets

When Charlie’s master, John, passes from this Earth, this loyal and beautiful doe-eyed kitty-cat sits at the window each day, awaiting his return home.

Deena, John’s long time girlfriend, recalls her sweetheart, John, and his loyal female cat named Charlie:



“John always had a love for animals. When his father died, John left grammar school to become a farmer, which he did for the next 20 years of his life. During his farming career, he had several run ins with the local policeman who kept telling him not to keep the tractor running as he kept jumping on and off of it, because it was against the law to do so. One day, this policeman told John that he would make a good policeman. Soon after, John quit the farm and joined the police Academy where he was a very good police officer for 31 years! John was one in a million.” Continue reading

Grief Compounded

Shortly after Margaret lost her Father, Arthur, who I wrote about in the last post, “The Present”, there was another sad loss of life that further compounded her grief.



Margaret writes:
“We had another very sad loss over the weekend which was compounded by many factors. My husband, Joe, let ICE, our beautiful 3-year-old pit bull out at 5 am. She went after a lizard and fell into the deep end of our pool. She went straight down. It all happened right in front of him. Somehow Joe was able to get her out and tried to do CPR but couldn’t save her. So there is shock and guilt and a lot of grief. There is no answer or explanation to find comfort.”

Angela and ICE

Angela and ICE

“I have not had a dream about my Dad since he died 3 months ago, until this happened. I went back to sleep at 10 am after this horrible incident and had this dream. My daughter, Angela, was talking to my Dad on the phone. I told her to ask him if he had our dog, ICE. (In my dream, I think both my Dad and ICE were alive).She asked him and turned to me to say, “Pop pop has her!” Without really thinking about it, I said, “OK, let’s go get her!” In my dream, we were on our way to meet my Dad to pick ICE up, but I woke up before we got there. Strange, yet not.” Continue reading

The Present

When a powerpoint, “The Present” arrives in an email for Christmas, Margaret’s mother is forced to believe that this was sent from her deceased husband, Arthur.

Margaret writes:

Margaret's Mom & Dad

Margaret’s Mom & Dad

“My Dad passed away on September 21, 2015. Although he was 85 years old, it was sudden and unexpected. We were extremely close and I was/am devastated.”

“My Mom was a rock after my Dad died. She seemed to be busy tending to things like canceling Dr.’s appointments, writing letters, sorting through things, etc. I wondered what would happen when there was nothing further to do. She is a very strong woman and far less emotional than I am.”

“Christmas was difficult and when I called her, she seemed sad on that day, although she was doing her best to put on a good front, trying to comfort me. There was just something different that day and although she would never admit it, I could sense it. I miss my Dad every day, but Christmas seemed even harder. He was everything to me.” Continue reading

Roses, My Love?

In this after-death communication, after Elisa loses her beloved Eric, she asks him for the comfort of a sign, specifically roses, since he had never given them to her while he was in the physical dimension. Not only did hear her, he sent her roses in three different ways.

Elisa writes:
“Last week, I asked my loved one for a sign that all was good between us –  I asked for a specific sign – flowers. More specifically, roses. He never sent me flowers, it was just him, but he never forgot birthdays or Christmases. In fact, he sent a quote and a birthday wish to any of his staff whose birthday he had knowledge of! That was the kind of guy he was.” Continue reading

Still Alive, and 25!

After searching for his old High School love, Carolann, who was struggling with addiction and living on the streets, Ron receives an after-death communication from her.

Ron writes:
“Hello, wonder if you could help me with this. My first real lucid dream. I think it was a dream that turned into an ADC, it was SO real! It’s about an ex who recently passed away. I’ve been trying to find her, because for the past 5 years until she passed, she has been homeless and struggling with addiction on the streets of Boston. I tried very hard to find her. I was too late.

“It started out as a regular dream; me and my family had all moved back to Florida, got some animals, but I was pissed cuz’ the dung heap was placed too close to the house, and I knew there’d be millions of flies in the house. Weird, because the only pets we have ever had were some hamsters.” Continue reading

Connect With Your Departed? Tele-class



The “Being Your Own Medium” Tele-class Series

Want to learn to connect and communicate with your loved ones on the “other side? “Being Your Own Medium” (An ongoing class series, offered every few months).

*See “upcoming classes” for next available dates and times.

Register for Being Your Own Medium Tele-class Link

 In “Being Your Own Medium,”  you will learn the following:

  • Explore and discover what stands in the way of connecting with the “other side.”
  • Learn what you need to know on “this side” to connect with the “other side.”
  • I show you the reasons “why” learning how to connect is important to bringing Heaven on Earth.
  • Learn why it’s not so much “how” to connect with your deceased loved ones, as it is “where” to connect with them.
  • Exponentially increase your chances for direct connection and communication.
  • Decode the mysteries of Mediumship
  • Develop your innate gifts and abilities
  • Upgrade yourself to a “4D being.”
  • Learn a variety of ways to connect to your loved one, as well as, learn what Christian taught me, with “Christian’s Light Point.”
  • Bonus at the end of each class- Hypnosis, Guided Imagery and/or Relaxation Techniques for increased success.

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