When Heaven Comes to Us

In the last nine days of her brother, Joseph’s life, Marijo and her mother experience a preview of the heaven that awaited their loved one.

Marijo writes:
I was very blessed to experience a beautiful shared-death experience with my younger brother in July of 2021.

Just 8 days prior, he made the decision to pass peacefully in a hospice facility. His body had completely been wrecked by his progressive auto-immune disease and a pathogen found in his lungs after a bout of Covid. His physical body was in failure and he was working with a body that could no longer fight.

For nine days, my mother, Toni, and I sat with him. My mother’s worst fear was he would die alone. My fear was she would be alone to watch him pass. As other family came in and out, we left the room for brief periods to eat, rest, shower, and pray.

First Occurrence
As luck would have it, it was a beautiful hospice facility and there was a walking path lined with trees and benches. The benches outside his room became like an old friend. As I was relaxing and reflecting on how my little brother went from very verbal to completely non- responsive, I heard the most beautiful soothing music my human ears had ever heard. I struggle to find the vocabulary to explain the angelic sounds I heard outside Joseph’s room.

The music started off faint but rose up as if it was choir in a marching band, it got louder and louder. It was obvious that the beautiful choral of voices and soft instruments was coming closer and closer. This was the first of three experiences I believe to be shared-death experiences.

The Second Occurrence
The second occurrence happened that same night when my mother and I were both sitting bedside. For two days we watched Joseph experience what the hospice team defined as “the death stare”. However, his most dedicated and very lovey nurse explained, “he is just looking at the angels.” What happened next solidified this point for me.

As we sat quietly, an extremely bright, warm, and pure light projected across his room. My mother and I were speechless. When we were able to converse, we both confirmed the pure light. Once again, human language would not be sufficient to describe the beauty and love that filled his room.



The Third Occurrence
On day 9, my last shared-death experience occurred. It was the night when my little brother left this Earth. After his death, I went back to the bench outside. I was needing to be alone for a moment. I sat in peace knowing he was experiencing true beauty. Suddenly I was surrounded by dragonflies. They were everywhere in the dark night.


If the other two signs did not confirm his soul was at peace, this last shared experience was unmistakable. The beauty I witnessed through the sounds of the music, the peacefulness of the bright light, and the glory of the dragonflies, constantly fill my heart. I have zero doubts about the magnificence of an afterlife now.

The Power of an Afterlife Perspective
I won’t say my grief was lighten but I will say my perspective was drastically changed. Death is not something I fear after sharing in the beauty of these moments. I can only dream of the experiences now and know they were not of this world. They were supernatural statements of a world much more splendid and amazing than this one.

Commentary- When we are young, we live our whole lives thinking that death is clear out there, far away from us. As we grow, being “old” becomes somewhat relative.

But as we come closer to the end of our lives, whether faced with an illness or old age, many don’t know what to expect as we near the mysterious door that we are told, opens before us.

When one is about to pass, it’s not uncommon for that one who is being gently lifted from this Earthly vibration to begin to experience these heavenly things of which Marijo speaks.

For us on the outside, it can look like something other than it actually is. One might observe their loved one staring off into space, trying to make out something with their eyes as their new home slowly begins to materialize. Sometimes, there is some talking to unseen beings or even exhibiting a careful listening to something from beyond.

What is so different about this case is that Marijo and her mother had the amazing gift of being privy to Joseph’s transition. Although at first, even one of these miraculous experiences would be enough. However, added together they gave Marijo a full understanding of what was occurring, specifically that Joseph, her younger brother, would be in great hands as he left his weary body to cross over.

Marijo and her mother experienced some pieces of Heaven. You know when it happens because you can’t explain it or describe it. As Marijo recalls, they were speechless and even with speech, there were no words to adequately describe their experience.

In the garden, Marijo heard the beautiful music appear to grow louder. This was to gently prepare her for what was soon to come. The light spread across the room was to comfort those therein. Lastly, the dragonflies (a spiritual symbol of an angel) were sent to say, “I made it into the beautiful light and now I’m free to fly.!” Btw, because of predators it is unusual to see dragonflies flying around in the dark unless they absolutely have to. Dragonflies are known to hide from predators at night and fly by day.

For Marijo and her mother, through these shared-death experiences, they don’t have to wonder if Joseph is okay and has made it to his destination in the light. They know he has.

Moving forward
Of course, knowing this, we are happy for our loved ones. Even so, we do still miss them in our physical world. It takes something to walk the path of the grief process. It is winding with ups and downs. We will feel a plethora of emotions as we go forth.

Photo credit: Jill Wellington of Pixabay

Photo credit: Jill Wellington of Pixabay

But as we go forth grieving our loss, please remember that every step forward in this process, is one step closer to reuniting with them again. And, when we do meet again, imagine what joy there will be.

For more shared-death experiences, read here.

Communication with our Departed

When Carol wonders if the conversations she is having in her head with her departed son, Kyle, are real… she puts it to the test.

Carol writes:
My son, Kyle, passed in May of 2020 at the age of 40 from an accidental overdose. I began having “conversations” in my mind with him a few months later. I was skeptical though, and wondered if it weren’t just my wishful thinking.

So one night I said to him: “Kyle, if it’s really you, send me a different sign right now – that will make me laugh and will be unmistakably you!” No more than a second later, my phone dinged – it was a text from the next door neighbor.

Now, first of all, I never get texts from her – let alone at 10PM! Second, she had been a very nasty neighbor. Kyle, his dad, and I used to joke about misfortune befalling her, e.g. “I hope her tree blows down”, I hope her roof leaks” etc. We would never actually do anything but we did joke about it a lot.

So here’s her text: “I just wanted to let you know someone let their dog poop on the sidewalk in front of your house and I just stepped in it and ruined my brand new running shoes!”

I just shook my head, looked up to the ceiling and said “Bingo, Kyle! You crushed it baby!” Just another example of spirits using other people to get a message to you!

Commentary- When our loved one passes away, it doesn’t mean our relationship with them goes away too. On the contrary, although things are much different now and there are a lot of adjustments that need to be made, our relationship still exists and continues.

When telling one of my college teachers about not being able to talk with my mom because she died when I was 13, he said, “She can hear you better than ever now.” I’ve often thought about that throughout the years. Although it made a certain amount of sense, could it be true?

It wasn’t until after Christian passed that I realized this was so. After many times of asking him for help and what not… and him responding accordingly, I had no doubt left how well our departed loved ones can hear us. Over the years of running GriefandMourning.com, I’ve heard it several times from others as well.

The Filters of Communication


Communication is a two way street Photo Credit: Alexas_Fotos

Normally, when you think about communication in the physical world, you think about at least two people taking turns speaking and listening. Of course, one would hope that they are speaking to each other, instead of at each other. Unfortunately, many times, it is our own filters we speak and listen through. Knowing that our own interpretation of what is actually being said is a huge part of that filter, it’s a wonder we have any successful communication to speak of.

The Capacity to Hear

There is another thing to consider. It is the capacity to actually hear what is being said. This might look like-

  • Looking like we are hearing but blocking something we perceive to be psychologically or emotionally threatening. 
  •  Perhaps our physical hearing is not so good anymore. Many people with hearing loss pretend to understand what has been said to avoid having to repeatedly ask.
  • Or maybe it’s a language barrier of some sort.

As you can see, there are many ways to not hear effectively.

Hearing in a Different Way

Now, let’s talk about Kyle and his mom, Carol. First of all, let me clarify what it means for our departed loved ones to “hear” us. When we think of hearing, we think about a variety of sounds that can be heard and even organized into a pattern so the human brain/ear can make sense of them. But my point is… you need to have human brain/ears to hear that, right?

While Kyle doesn’t hear the same as he used to, he hears much better than before. And now, in a way, so does Carol. Wondering if she was just imagining her conversations with Kyle, she put it to the test. She quickly found out just how well both could hear when Kyle delivered with a hilarious example for his mom to know for sure. She found out that Kyle was close enough to still in communication with her.

If there is any confusion at this point, I will add that there are more ways than one to hear. We are used to the ideal of hearing out of our ears because that is what we use mostly to hear sound. Even in the physical realm we often don’t think about hearing with our other physical senses such as our sight, touch, taste and smell… but we do. 

But even more, being a spiritual being in a human body, we can also tap into our spiritual senses. That’s what Kyle and Carol did. Our spiritual senses are far superior to that of our physical ones. Being on this plane though and trying to survive it, we have learned to focus more on physical senses to navigate our day to day physical existence.

Thought Perception

Have you even noticed when people meet up with their departed loved one, whether in a dream state or not? They always notice that the communication they have with that loved one is telepathic. In other words, their mouth didn’t move throughout the whole communication. Some people don’t notice it until it’s pointed out because on a spiritual level we already know that as spirits we communicate like this. To the spiritual part of ourselves that we don’t normally tune into, it is natural. We even use it to silently pray.

Thought perception is a pure form of communication. It is superior to what we have on this earthly plane. It cuts through all the misunderstandings of not knowing what to say or how to say it, of not being able to hear or not wanting to hear it. It breaks through the many types of language barriers that divide us as well as our many interpretations as what is being said moves through our filters. There is so much between us all the time. With pure spiritual perception, there are no more filters, no non-sense, just clear, direct, simple and honest communication.

When communication doesn’t happen…

Of course, there are those times where we ask, even beg for communication with our loved one and it seems to go unheard, even unanswered. I’ve had this experience too. I don’t always understand why this is. When this happens it can make us feel sad and insecure. We may be left wondering, “Why doesn’t it happen for me like that?” It makes no sense and can leave us doubting.

Hang in there though, your relationship did not just end when they left the physical dimension. It continues on. But like I said, and what was demonstrated in this post, it helps to expand beyond the physical senses in whatever way you can. It helps to have a positive attitude and be confident that it will happen eventually.

Honestly, there is no time limit for them to communicate. Sometimes, they communicate in different ways. They communicate through songs, other people, dreams, signs, symbols, just to name a few. It takes listening differently to catch those communications.

Addressing a Misconception

There are those in the after-death communication community who believe our departed loved ones are only with us for a short while after their passing. Then, they leave us by going off somewhere over there. How cruel this belief is. When we need them the most they leave? When we are at the peak of our pain, they are gone? Really? I have found this to be simply untrue.

Where are they going? Where is more important to be than with us, assisting us from beyond? Where is “over there” when it’s really just one big thing and one big ball of consciousness? 

It has been reported that a departed loved one can communicate immediately after passing or decades later. The frequency of these communications can be a lot or a little. What I’ve found is that many times we miss communications because either, they aren’t so obvious to us or we are listening for something else to occur. Again. It’s really about the listening. Our listening and how well we listen for them to communicate.

Our loved ones deeply care about us, they hear our thoughts and feel our pain. The want nothing more than for us to heal. Our departed loved ones are with us in ways we can’t explain, don’t understand and could never comprehend at this point. They are aware of us our whole lives until we are reunited. What else would love do? I hope that clears that up.

So next time you think you may be having a conversation in your head with your departed loved one, don’t immediately doubt it and brush it away. Put it to the test as Carol did when she just had to know. When she did… with the old familiarity of Kyle’s sense of humor, she got her answer! It is completely possible that you could get an answer too.

For more after-death communications- https://griefandmourning.com/afterdeath-communication

A Heartfelt Plea for Unity

Lisa’s beloved mother, Mimi, once visited her daughter in a mind-blowing after-death communication. Then came, Mimi’s next visit.

Lisa wrote:
“Years ago after my mother passed, you posted the extraordinary after-death communication I had with my mother, called, Mimi’s Heaven. It really rocked my world back then. Well, recently, my mother came back to me in a visitation dream that was even more profound. I’m excited to share it.”

“As with my last experience with my mother, again, she took me through time and space, stopping briefly at nebulas and star clusters to view their glory. This time she reaffirmed to me that God had created all living things, all creatures big and small.”

“However, she added even more. Plants, animals and humans are not the only things God created, but even other beings as well. My mother showed me that there are many planets that have intelligent life. Some of them, even living underground on these different planets. This is why, those looking, may not see obvious signs of life.”

“However, she told me that there is so much more than we can ever imagine. These beings she spoke of are empathetic and are very curious about our people. They, as a community can no longer reproduce. They come to our earth and sometimes extract DNA from women to use to help repopulate their beings. They are peaceful and want us to know that we must protect nature and also, nurture our children with more love and focus on our earth rather than material things.”

“My mother also told me that some of these beings live deep in our oceans and also in Antarctica under the ice underground. When they first arrived at Antarctica, it was not covered in ice. The earth had turned on its axis and it changed our planet millions of years ago.”

“She told me that early man was visited by them to help them build things. These early men worshiped them as Gods like we see in Egypt with the pyramids and the Mayan culture of early man. You can look back and trace evidence of them worshipping them because they gave them knowledge to continue to grow.”

“In ancient times, people lived in small groups or tribes.They all related to one another as a part of themselves, so they were close-knit communities. Their energy to be one people was strong. As a group they could work wonders because of that unity. They were humble people and sought for light, not darkness, for unity, not division. They were stronger together than divided. They prayed and practiced their faith in a higher power to guide them.”

“On a personal level, in my dreams, I’ve seen many different species of intelligent beings that wish humans could be more loving and positive in our spiritual sense. All throughout the Universe there are pulse’s of energy everywhere. Every living thing has, and is energy. What holds us back from our greatest potential is the lack of positive energy within ourselves and how we, as individuals, or as a whole, treat one another.”

“God created all creatures and that everything is connected. What we do with our planet affects all others.”

Commentary- Lisa’s recent after-death communication, as well as her insight, offers a very important message to consider in these troubled times. After thinking about the messages in Lisa’s experience, I offer some thoughts on the how’s and why’s for our division, and how we, as bridge builders, can make a personal difference for good in our world. Thank you for your consideration.

The Division

Today, with so many of us living on this increasingly crowded planet and vying for its resources, it can be easy to forget about the whole. What I mean is the “whole tribe” of our fellow beings. Fear has run rampant as we separate into our own groups against those “others” we perceive as our enemies.

Our world has become larger than that one united tribe that existed long ago. It’s become more diverse, complicated, chaotic and therefore; threatening on one level or another to those who fear some sort of extinction. Because of this threat, consciously or not, humans have divided themselves into distinct categories according to their own worldview, and with their distain, prepare for various forms of battle against their own human kind- no holds barred.

A Room With a View
Image by Franz26 Pixabay

A singular View : Image by Franz26, Pixabay

While each of us are the room in this metaphor, it’s important to realize that the view from the window in that room is very fixed, as the window is only in one location and sees in one direction. We can’t see around, behind, on top, or below what we are looking at. All we see is just our singular point of view. Unfortunately, this very specific and misleading view, tends to become “the truth” of our worldview, which can be very limiting and grossly inaccurate.

The Battle for Survival

Having a narrow point of view provides a strong foundation for intolerance and impatience for those “others” who are perceived as “not our tribe.” Perhaps they even think differently than us, and that’s the problem.

Narrow mindedness appears to stem from a belief in scarcity. Perhaps a human’s greatest fear is that there is not enough of something. Specifically, “there is not enough for me, so I must take as much as I can get, no matter the cost.” A fear of not surviving in some way, with thoughts and feelings of insecurity, inadequacy and instability continually feed the beast. With the same narrow way of thinking and feeling, the cycle perpetuates and doubles down to become worse.

Us Versus Them Mentality

Far from just small tribes, a very dangerous “us versus them” mentality has taken hold all over the world. Some current examples of this can be found in issues of ethnicity, religious beliefs, government politics and other ideology. Then… there are all our manufactured lies that people adopt as weapons of war against those not like them and who have now become their enemies. The hatred is palpable. Is this of God?

Physical, spiritual and psychological scarcity runs rampant on our planet as individuals perceive their very survival is in jeopardy. Even if it’s actually not, it is in some heads. We are so caught up in our own internal wars of our thoughts and feelings, fueled by our singular viewpoint and worldview, that we forget that in some way… what is done to one is done to the rest. That includes all of us.

Coming from a Christian background, I don’t know whatever happened to the Golden Rule in the Gospel of Matthew 7:12, “In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you” but it no longer seems to be a moral rule guiding our world. Perhaps we have become wicked in the rightness of our blindness. 

The Need to be Right or Better Than

That poor ego that would destroy everything and itself to be right, superior and in power,  doesn’t make much sense but it’s happening all around us. Much of our world is very sick, intoxicated by the lure of raw power, control and cruelty, for cruelty’s sake. It’s done in the name of politics, money, power and dare I say… religion as well.

For example, there are those people of faith who believe that some people are so different than them, and therefore, beneath them, then go on to pretend we don’t all share the same Creator. That we are not of the same creation? It doesn’t make sense to me. When will we go back to the Golden Rule? This darkness and destruction is removing us from what matters most- our planet, creatures big and small, our lives and our whole human tribe. 

There is such a drive to be ‘right” about things, even made up things., just to be right and therefore, superior to others. But, where does that get us? Constantly, we get in our own way. When will we ever see? Together we are stronger and better. Divided we fall apart. Would good divide us? No, but evil would.

The Good News about a Viewpoint

The thing to realize about a viewpoint is that, with awareness, and having the desire to come from a good and open space from which to look, a singular viewpoint has the possibility of expanding into many viewpoints. That expansion becomes the possibility of compassion, mercy and patience. Another thing to know is that, a fixed viewpoint has the possibility to become flexible. Flexibility will lay a space for tolerance, peace and unity. It is also a path to our survival. I mean, if one is willing, of course.

Some Final Thoughts

Our world depends on us to find our way through the darkness and confusion of the now. We live in troubled times. Through love and compassion we must build bridges not walls. If we are to survive as a species, we must choose peace and faith over destruction and fear. It serves the individual to take care of the whole tribe. 

Are we no longer our “brother’s keeper?” We must take care of each other and our planet. The way to unity is through cooperation and by practicing love, patience and peace. It is a practice, that’s for sure. But, it’s an honorable and worthy way to live one’s life.

Even if it’s a small bridge, it’s a bridge nonetheless.

Bridge : Image Andibreit on Pixabay

Bridge : Image Andibreit on Pixabay

The Power of Sheer Will

The power of sheer will is a real one. As a Hospice Nurse, Linda realizes this when she prevents her patient from dying on the toilet.

Linda’s experience as a new hospice nurse

It was in 1995 when Linda began working as a new hospice nurse. One of her first home visits was to take care of a man who was dying from cancer.

In his younger days, he was a handsome, well-educated bank executive who was fastidiously groomed and very sophisticated. When he was up and around his home, he was impeccably dressed. Although he was terminally ill, representing himself well in public was still important to him.

One day when his family was out doing chores, Linda took him to the toilet. Suddenly, as he sat, he slumped over with no pulse. Holding onto him, Linda could feel his spirit actually leaving his body… after which, she felt nothing in his body. There was no presence whatsoever, just dead weight.

The Power of Sheer Will

Knowing how dapper he was and imagining how mortified he would have been by such a thing (death by toilet), Linda became resolute, “This cannot happen. Not like this. Dying on the toilet has no dignity and I will not accept this.”

Determined to change the outcome of the situation, with all the strength she could muster, Linda lifted and carried his limp body back to his reclining chair. As she did, surprisingly, Linda felt his spirit coming back in as he breathed the breath to life into his body once more.
Linda was much relieved for this man, as he made it back safely to his chair without anyone but Linda knowing what had happened.

He died in his bed with dignity just two days later.

The Spiritual Nature of Sheer Will

One should never underestimate the power of sheer will. It is a power to be sure, a super power, in fact. A super power that, to one degree or another, makes impossible things possible.

Maybe you’ve heard the stories before about a mother doing the impossible as she lifts a car off of her injured child. In that moment, it is life or death… do or die. And, if she has anything to say about it, she is not giving death an option.

But…it’s not just a mother for whom the power of sheer will works. It is for anyone who immediately acts and will not accept anything less than what one’s will demands.
It’s for the one who uses, previously unknown and untapped power. I would dare to say that this power is not just physical but enlists spiritual power as well.

In those instances, it’s like every fiber of one’s being has become a breakthrough possibility from the realm of impossibility itself. Their determination… so powerful that what are seen as life’s rules bend in their favor, if even for that instant. The result is… the manifestation of a breakthrough event in this world. And… some might call that having some serious faith.

The Clear Intent Component to Sheer Will

Sheer will is about being instantaneously, so clear, so precise, so relentless in declaration that the words you say will do nothing other than obey the intention of their commands. “This shall be. This shall not be,” said with true power has the possibility to shift the reality of a situation, as we know it.

You see this in times when humans rise above their own perceived limitations, small or large. In those times, they don’t think about what they can do, they just do it because, in that moment, that’s what must be done. To one extent or another, this happens on the regular. We gloss over these times quite often by passing them off as luck or coincidence.

A Collaboration of Sheer Will

You might wonder, “whose will was effecting the situation the most? Was it solely Linda’s? Or the man’s will?” In discussing this memory with Linda, we have settled on the thinking that this result was a joint collaboration.

Our intuition informs us that Linda was compassionate enough to go to bat for him. As he was leaving his body, looking down at her struggle, barely able to carry the dead weight of this man back to his chair, how could he not go to bat for her as well? So, coming back to his body gave him a few more days with his family and avoided what could have been an embarrassing death.

You can see how each one of these two demonstrated determination for him to have a nice ending to a life well-lived. This was accomplished through the power and force of their sheer will.

You’ve heard the saying… “If there’s a will, there’s a way.” Well… If there is that strong of a will, then there’s definitely a way.

Also see, Shared-death experience, Near-death experience and After-death communication.

If There's a Will, there's a way

If there’s a will, there’s a way: Photo/Pixabay: Tambira Photography

After-Death Communication Message Types

While there are many different types of after-death communications, in a dream, Rose receives the one of practical guidance.

Rose writes:
“I’ve had so many beautiful and amazing visits from my Mother, and lately from my Dad which made me so happy. A little while ago, here in the Hudson River Valley, we had severe thunderstorms with large amounts of rain. One night, my father interrupted a dream I was having. It was so shocking, knowing that he just popped in unexpectedly.

My Dad said, “All is well, however, please watch the rainfall nearby and remember the generator I gave you.” I woke up the next morning, remembering what he said. My day went on and by early evening, the storms came through again, thunder, lightning, severe winds and flooding.

At around 9:30 pm, my neighbor, Dustin, called me to ask how we were doing with all this rain. He is a volunteer fireman. After checking outside and taking one look at our basement, I called him right back because the entire property was a lake! The basement steps were covered in water swirling around to the top of the basement door.

Dustin called the fire department and Central Hudson Company turned off the power to our house. That night was a very long, hot and sweaty night with no power and basement under six feet of water.

The next morning, the water subsided as the catch basins nearby, finally caught up and were doing their job. David, my partner, and I were tired, hot and stressed out. That was the moment when I suddenly remembered the dream and that my father reminded me about the generator. David has one and we never touched my father’s. When I told David the dream I had, we went to the garage. David’s generator which was newer, would not start at all. I told him to please try my dad’s, I knew it would work because he told me it would.

David pulled the generator out of the garage and dusted it off. It started with one pull! We had power again. I sat in the garage and said a prayer to God and to Jesus, thanking them for letting my father come to me to help. I am always so thankful to God and Jesus daily for the blessings of the day.

Commentary- If you know anything about after-death communications, you know the messages that are sent to us by our departed fall into many different categories. Here are some of them that are most common.

Checking in.

This message conveys something to the effect of,

  • “Hey, I made it.”
  • “Please don’t worry about me, I’m good.”
  • “It’s beautiful here.”
  • “I’m in a good place.”
  • “I’m reunited with loved ones.”
  • “I just wanted to let you know.”

Reassurance. (“I got you.”)

  • “I’m aware of you.”
  • “I’m still with you.”
  • “I love and care about you.”
  • “Everything will turn out well in the end.”
  • “Don’t worry. This is temporary.”
  • “We will be reunited again someday.”
  • “You can get through this.”
  • “I approve. You have my blessing.”
  • “We are one.”

Informational. Insight. Enlightening. (On a need to know basis)

  • “This is what happened.”
  • “This is what will happen.”
  • “This is why.”
  • “This is how it works.”
  • “Here’s some information about you, your life, life in general, and the afterlife.

Giving Thanks.

After-death communications that say,

  • “Thanks for everything.”
  • “I appreciate you so much.”
  • “I see you.”

Subtle Promptings. (Guidance, Advice and Practical reminders)

  • “Remember ‘something’ now. It will be helpful to you later.”
  • The mention of a particular person and that, “So and so might be able to assist you with that dilemma.”
  • A very familiar and meaningful song plays on the radio. “This is a reminder that I love and care about you. We are still one.”
  • “Remember who you are.”
  • “I’m here guiding you.”

Protect with Urgent Directives. (Warning, Caution that screams, “Do or don’t do this.”)

  • “Don’t drive that same way you normally do or even in that direction.”
  • “Stay clear of that person.”
  • “Get out of the house, car, whatever, NOW.”
  • “Get out of the way!”
  • “That’s a bad situation. Don’t get involved.”
  • “Go a different way.”
  • “Do something different with your life.”

Touching base. (Can occur as a unexpected visit because time has passed with less frequent visits)

  • “Yep. I’m still here.”
  • “Yep. I’m still very aware of your situation.”
  • “Here’s an idea for you.”
  • “Yep, I’m still doing great.”
  • “See all the healing you’ve accomplished? You are doing so much better now. I never wanted you to suffer.”
  • “Yep. I still love and care about you. We are one.”


When Rose’s dad came to her in her dream with his message about the generator, it was just what she needed to hear. Without it, her father’s generator would have collected even more dust when it could have been put to good use. 

Since our departed loved ones have a much different perspective than we do, they don’t get all worked up about the small stuff. Rose’s dad knew that, although the rains were coming, Rose and David would be just fine, just hot, uncomfortable and without power. That’s where the generator was such a great idea. Rose’s dad was prompting her in a dream, guiding her, assisting her to remember what he would have done. He would have pulled out that old dusty generator and fired it right up.

Our Angels

We often imagine that our departed loved ones are off, somewhere, clear over there, separate from ourselves and that they have no idea what is going on in our lives. Rose’s father shows how untrue this actually is. Think about this. Rose’s dad knew a rain storm was coming. Just wow! He wanted his daughter to have everything she could need for it. The old, dusty generator started with one pull of the cord. I’d say that’s pretty miraculous. I’d say he was very aware.

Our departed loved ones do watch over us. They love and care for us from beyond. They are familiar with our struggles and our accomplishments. They do their very best to guide us through the situations in our lives. They are our angels, and… we will be angels to the ones we leave behind, as well. We will guide and protect them, too. Because that’s what love does.

Angels watching over us

Angel: Photo credit: cocopariseenne

Hugging a Departed Loved One

After Jan repeatedly asked her departed mother for a hug, her heart’s desire is realized. Twice!

The Twilight Bridge

The Twilight Bridge

Jan writes:
“I had a couple of “dreams” again of my mom, but I am not sure if it was a regular dream or a “twilight bridge” dream. What I wrote to you before in “The Twilight Bridge” post were definitely not dreams. That much was obvious.”

“Now, I will try and explain my question to you. I had said out loud for many weeks that I wanted to hug mom. Then, I had two different dreams. Both were in the same setting, it seemed outside somewhere, not here in the house. It was like I drifted into an outdoor area where my mom was socializing with some people. She noticed me, smiled and greeted me with these people around her. It seemed like she was by a car. In trying to make sense of it all, I thought we were going on one of our short trips for the weekend or maybe we were there already.”

“Although there were a few other people with her, I could not see faces as they were more like shadows. My mom seemed much brighter, easy to see I mean, and very close.  I was right there with her and she seemed happy, smiling, enjoying chatting with people. Relatives? I do not know but that was really all there was to it.  Then, I must have woken up.”

“The next time I had this dream, it was the exact same place…. same people and situation, except my mom’s light around her seemed brighter and she was in color while everything else was a darker colorless shade. My mom was very clear. She had her pink fuzzy bathrobe on- she definitely stood out among the other shadows of people there. I went to her and hugged her. She never said anything to me but she was smiling and seemed happy. Then, I must have woken up.”

“When I woke that morning, I remembered it clearly and the feeling of hugging and being freshly hugged still lingered. I mean, could have been my imagination or not, but somehow, I felt like I had hugged her close. I had felt her, I had hugged her for real.”

“Anyway, this may not be anything… maybe just a wishful dream as it was outside the house in a different setting. So I have been thinking it was just a dream. It did not last long. Nothing happened really except I met my mom for a short time and felt her presence plus she was smiling (which I am glad of)”.

“So, I guess sometimes it may be hard to distinguish a dream from something else?”

Commentary- Because of the spiritual visitation experience spectrum that spans anywhere from ‘nuanced” to ‘blow your socks off’ obvious, it can be hard to distinguish a dream from a visitation, although this was clearly a visitation… except it was Jan that was doing the visiting.

Space, Place or State of Mind?

While “The Twilight Bridge” is considered a neutral meeting “place” or “space” between this realm and the next realm, where we sometimes go to meet our loved ones, “The Twilight Bridge” is also experienced as a state of mind or place of spirit and not necessarily an actual place. But having said this, it could also be experienced as an actual place. What was different about this experience from Jan’s experience at “The Twilight Bridge” is that Jan didn’t meet her mother at the bridge, she went over the bridge to where her mom was in another realm.

Entering another realm Pixabay: Jplenio

Entering another realm Pixabay: Jplenio

What makes this so?

The fact that Jan felt herself drifting (a thing of the spirit) into another space, an outdoor space, which represents somewhere other than where Jan’s life normally play out. The outdoor setting Jan describes is a metaphor for… another location besides here at my house… or where I live in this Earthly realm.

Jan’s mom was seen thriving in her new community of people, smiling, happy and certainly aware because she saw Jan, as if she was waiting for her to visit. She was. The car represents travel, reminding Jan of their prior weekend trips, as well as, pointing to, that this is a possibility of a new way to spend time together for short trips now.

Jan notices how much clearer and even brighter in the second visitation that her mother appeared compared to those around her. The explanation here is that the other people around her were not considered the focal point, her mother was being that Jan asked to see and hug her mom again. The other people in the experience, sort of seen/not seen are clearly not the most important take away, although it does point to her newfound acclimation, happiness and a community that she enjoys in her current realm.

Having the same dream twice is sort of like saying to Jan, “If you don’t believe I heard you about seeing me to get a hug, I did. To prove it, here is the second dream with even more certainty, clarity and brighter colors!  I’m at home here. I’m even wearing my bright pink bathrobe. You will recognize me immediately, can’t miss me!” In other words, she heard Jan loud and clear.

Why we doubt, dismiss and discount spiritual visitations

It’s really common to dismiss a spiritual visitation as an ordinary dream since it doesn’t always make perfect sense. Sometimes it is abstract or unclear. Often, we are afraid to believe our experience because… what if it were just our imagination and not really so?

We don’t want to be the fool. We don’t want to get our hopes up only to be let down again, which would only add to our hurt of seeming to live a life alone without them now.

However, why doubt, dismiss and discount first when having these experiences, then, have to be convinced of their validity? Given that we can react the way we want (sometimes), why not look and listen to your experience of what it is trying to tell you? Why not look and listen for the possibility of spiritual visitations/after-death communications, signs and messages from beyond?

These spiritual communications are so precious but they are fragile and fleeting. We must believe these special gifts from heaven are completely possible and probable and to see it as such. We must gather these seeds of faith and nurture them and perhaps they will grow into profoundly meaningful experiences that will tide us over throughout our lives.

So what if we don’t understand everything or it’s abstract and unclear? So what if we make a fool of ourselves but we see special spiritual things that physical eyes can’t or won’t see? And, so what if we get our hopes up? Take the hopeful message from the visitation and use it for comfort.

The Takeaway

There is a lot that happened in Jan’s experience with her mother. There is a lot of information to glean from it for Jan to hold as precious in her heart, mind and soul. But perhaps, most importantly… Jan’s heartfelt desire to hug her mom again was heard and realized. A hug that lingers is a real hug that follows us back over the bridge to this plane of existence. Jan got to hug her mom again!  Yes, it was a real hug, Jan!

Love survives and thrives beyond the grave. Your mother still lives, and loves you… and when the time is right, you will reunite together in a way that brings you both the greatest joy, leaving all sadness behind.

For more after-death communications click here.

Another realm- Pixabay: Thomas Skirde

Another realm- Pixabay: Thomas Skirde

The Medicine That Is Hope

Just when all seems lost, a distressed Linda cries out to her beloved, Thellis, for help and receives it in a most unexpected and delightful way. 

Linda writes:
“I had not been on my game since just before Christmas. Slipping down into the deep end of the latest emotional abyss. There was something below, pulling on me, as I continued hanging on to the metaphorical life preserver of my grief.  Even amidst my grief, I would feel pretty darn good, calm and breathing air and all, then all of a sudden under water, swimming in emotion and struggling to get back up to save myself from drowning in my sorrow.”

“I found myself wanting to be reassured that nothing was wrong with feeling this way. That there was no problem with it. That this was all a normal part of the grief process, 
because to me, it looked all wrong, like it was a huge problem and I was feeling insane once again.”

“For a few nights before I left my house to visit my daughter who lives in another state, I kept waking up – two nights in a row, repeatedly throughout the night with immediate feelings of dread. The tidal wave of thoughts were so horrific that I not only felt bad emotionally, but physically as well. At the time, I could not see how I could keep doing anything like I normally would. How would I be able to drive hours to meet her? When I got back, how would I be able to go to work, pretend I was okay when I wasn’t at all? How could I pay my bills, look around for new place to live? How could I go on, not being able to stand myself in the state of mind I was in?”

“Looking at my life going forward, it was hard to see my way in such a dark gray, shabby world, with no ability to look forward to anything, enjoy anything, much less find a purpose to all this grief over the recent loss of my love, Thellis.”

“The recent torment I was experiencing, was all because I had hit some kind of strange wall of both physical and mental exhaustion that was making me have great difficulty putting one literal and metaphorical foot in front of the other. And worst of all, I was afraid I was going to forget how he looks and the sound of his voice. I always loved his voice.”

“It took everything in me to just finish packing and carry my things to my car. With all my strength, I said out loud to Thellis, “I want and need your help!” I didn’t know what Thellis would do to help me, but I knew there had to be a  part of him that wanted me to not be scared and hurting like this — and to enjoy my upcoming time with my daughter… our daughter, Marijo.”

Mourning Doves

Mourning Doves

“Now, I need to share a back story first before continuing. As I pondered my after-death communications from Thellis, I hoped that one of these days there would be an actual physical object showing up on this planet, that was so obvious, that there could be no doubt, even from a stranger’s viewpoint, that would be too amazing to explain away. I needed some solid proof, something tangible, but that had not happened yet. 
I had thought, and even said out loud over past 3 1/2 months, that I knew it could not be a dove, of course. The reason is because I’ve never seen one up here in my neck of the woods and certainly not now that it’s winter, but still reasoned that it sure would be nice since there was such a strong association of doves and Thellis. You see, Thellis loved those sweet mourning doves so much and the cooing noise they would make. He would imitate them sometimes during our conversations. So even though it could never be that, maybe it could be something else just as obvious to me.”

“So, now back to my current story. After I trudged to my car with my belongings and put them in the car, got in my car and was wishing that he would just touch me… immediately, for next couple of minutes, I felt as if a feather was tickling my face as I pulled out of my driveway. I even brushed my hand across my face to feel if something was there. Nothing was there but the feeling of a feather tickling around my face.”

“Then, as I drove out of out my neighborhood, to my complete surprise, I suddenly saw in the middle of my street- a flock of doves!  I’m so mad I didn’t take a picture but I was so stunned and remained that way- I didn’t even think of it. After all, it was below zero and still snow on the ground and I had never seen any doves since living here for the past 7 years. As if that was not enough, 15 miles down the highway, I pulled off to go to a convenience store. When I pulled into park, in my rear view mirror, that were 2 doves standing in a grassy area by the store. I was so happy. I immediately knew this was from him!”

“What happened next, I didn’t think possible. Immediately my physical and mental energy was restored. I was calm, peaceful, sane and hope was on the horizon that the future would not always be a cold, flat and colorless world. And now, more than anything, an absolute knowing that he was right there beside me and that we were and are eternally connected. With this experience I could see, at least a glimpse, of how something beautiful could be born out of this nightmarish pain of grieving.”

“I thought, “Maybe I could survive it after all and even help somebody else someday who was experiencing this kind of suffering. I just needed to trust the process, God and myself and refrain from beating myself up when I find myself in these emotional tidal waves that throw me to and fro in a full array of emotional insecurity when all of the sudden I’ve lost hope- as I did before Thellis helped me with the doves.”

Commentary- Anyone who has done some serious grieving is all too familiar with the frequent plunges into the deep end of the emotional sea of grief. The pain of grief is persistent, pervasive and anxiety producing, to say the least, as one constantly struggles to stay afloat. At times, the feeling of being so overwhelmed with the fear and panic of imminent devastation, can feel like the possibility of being swept up and carried out to sea. Just one lost soul out there in a sea of pain just trying to survive against the power and strength of relentless emotional waves. Sometimes, even emotional tidal waves of pain.

Yes. Grief can feel like this. Depending on your range of feeling, one might really identify with the above description. To some, this does not seem dramatic, but very familiar. It hurts, it’s devastating and there is little to do when one realizes that they are at the mercy of a grueling grief process that seems to have its’ own mind. Controlling the grief process? What’s that?

Lost boat in rough waters

Lost boat in rough waters

Processing deep grief can be so scary and dark, with many ups and downs and feelings of hopelessness and being out of control. It’s like being in a boat out to sea, alone and lost in stormy weather, with no way to know how to find your way back to the safety of saneness and stability. No, you just have to deal with each new emotional wave that crests.

There are some brief moments of reprieve, where one thinks they are out of the chaos of that storm, only to be reminded that, at least at the beginning of the grief process, those moments do happen at times, but are fleeting before disruption occurs once more. The good news is that relief becomes more and more of a constant as time and perspective gives way to healing. 

Although the grief process is commonly filled with a great degree of pain and despair, if there are suicidal thoughts, especially thoughts that include a suicidal plan, immediately seek help. Here is a link for my resources and emergency page for reference. For sure, deep grief is not for sissies. Keep processing though, find support because healing eventually happens. It really does just take time.

Grieving at such depth can bring up every insecurity possible, every fear. The chaos of grief can make one feel insane at times, too. Grief can cause physical and mental torment and exhaustion as Linda has described, enough to where she began to see a world without color, a life with no future, no purpose or meaning and therefore; no point to living. The loss of a loved one is sometimes so traumatic that it can occur like an assault, causing one to give up on any hope, whatsoever.

But then, something happened when Linda, in her weary state, reached out to ask Thellis for help. Thellis, knowing of her condition and plea began to answer. First the tickle of a bird feather around her face, followed by a lovely bouquet of many doves. It wasn’t as though these doves were off flying somewhere when she saw them, or that they were off on the side of the road, in the moment she needed it most, they were exactly, literally in her path! And, if the doves weren’t enough by themselves, she got the precursor of the tickle to let her know something was up.

What a special gift from Thellis, who gave Linda exactly what she wished for, but didn’t think possible. To Linda, this was nothing less than amazing that the doves she hadn’t seen in 7 years were right there before her. Doves that Thellis happened to love. The doves that were the physical proof she wanted to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that Thellis really does hear her, loves her and is there by her side.

But even with all those miracles, among them is the medicine of hope. Before Thellis’s signature gift to her, Linda was barely functioning. She was struggling, low in energy, in pain and in desperate need of help. After Thellis’s signature gift? Linda was restored to a vibrant, pain-free, energetic and excited self. Linda was completely healed in that moment that her hope was renewed. 

The medicine of hope is powerful. In Linda’s experience of receiving the signs she asked for, when she was at her very lowest and with the medicine of hope, Linda was instantly made whole. Immediately restored by her experience was the possibility of a life with color, a future  ahead of her, a purpose to serve others in deep pain, meaning, and a point to the living of that life. It’s amazing how hope can heal so quickly and thoroughly.

Our departed loved ones are with us. They may not always be able to show us, but they are. They are connected to our thoughts and feelings. They are connected to our lives. They are here to watch over and to help us through this life.  And, in time, we will be reunited with them. When that happens, there will be no more need to hope. There will be no more need for tears. With the joy from our reunion, our wishes and prayers will forever be answered.

Hope. Follow the Light on your path.

Hope. Follow the Light on your path.

Knowing, The Four Eyes of Awareness

As I was writing the commentary to one of Kim’s last posts, she remembered an important detail about “knowing” that bears repeating and explanation.

Kim writes:
“After my Mom passed and Terry had the out-of-body experience to visit to her, he often told me, that time, for the people in Heaven, goes by in the blink of an eye. I didn’t and still don’t know why he thought this or how he knew this. However, he mentioned it quite often when we would be talking about my Mom and also when we’d be talking of his inevitable end of life coming soon. Meaning… I guess that he wouldn’t have long to wait for me to join him?”

“He was just sure that time in Heaven and time here are totally different. He also told me that he and I (and our loved ones… and even our beloved dogs!) would be together for eternity. He was certain of it.”

“I was always curious as to how/why he was so certain of this. I am guessing that he may have been more “intuitive” than I realized. And, that he simply didn’t tell me everything he experienced?”

In any event… I hope he’s right.”

Commentary- “Knowing” is definitely a thing. It’s also a difficult thing to articulate. I mean, how could you know something with such certainty, without having any recollection of where this knowledge came from in the first place? How is it suddenly just there when it wasn’t before?

Indeed, it may sound illogical, and maybe even irrational to some, but the result is still… that you know this particular something… and you still don’t know how you know it. Or… at the very least, you can’t remember how you know it. Therein lies the clue.

The particular “knowing” of something is just immediately present, as if you already had an experience that you can’t quite remember, and are left with the experience’s lasting residue. This “knowing” could come instantaneously without warning, as it often does. It could even come over time and then suddenly, you become aware that it’s been there all along.

This “knowing” comes in the form of the Four Eyes of Awareness – insight, intuition, information or instruction. It may or may not have been something already on your mind. But, like “knowing” often does, the form it takes seems to magically appear as it is incorporated immediately into your thought stream to live as truth. 

These Four Eyes of Awareness have everything to do with spiritual sight, or seeing something that was previously hidden, before you were made spiritually aware. Or, in other words, a revelation. Although the following words I use as examples, all start with the letter I, I say Eyes instead, because each one really represent a different spiritual perception used by our spiritual eyes.

Here are some very common examples of this.

  • Insight- Have you ever woken up and just known that you were with your departed loved one, but couldn’t remember a thing? You just knew. It’s like you still felt their lingering presence around you. Or have you ever had a dream you can’t recall but you get a general knowledge of the contents and what it means.
  • Instruction- Have you ever been tangled up in an emotional/mental mess, only to have a brilliant moment of clarity, long enough, to see your way free from the mess that seemed impossible? Now, suddenly, there is a way through and you know exactly what to do.
  • Intuition- Have you ever had a strong “feeling” about something that turned out to be true, after the fact? Intuition is a form of knowing similar to premonition. Many times, these two forms of spiritual knowledge prepare us in advance of something that is to be.
  • Information- Have you ever had a near-death, out-of-body, shared-death or after-death experience that was so profound that you came back into this realm with previously unknown knowledge? You may find memories, so real, from another existence surfacing that begin to put important puzzle pieces together about your life, mission and purpose. It happens when one is ready for, and is welcoming of spiritual awareness.

Terry’s experiences were great examples of how one can “know” something. Whether Terry was outright taught these things on his spiritual journeys or whether he came back and was downloaded with the knowledge later, it is all the same. He had the knowledge at a much deeper level than he could receive from the human’s brain perspective. He received the knowledge at a soul level, which often leaves the surface self to wonder about what it can barely comprehend. These spiritual experiences are an important clue and reminder that we are spiritual beings, first, and human beings, second. What would it take to have a sure knowledge about that? 

So, yes, Kim. Terry knew however he knew, and he was right about what he knew. This life is so short, like the blink of an eye. And you, he and your puppies will all be happily reunited together once again through love.

For reference on this post, please read Kim’s other experiences- Spiritually Sensitive People and Other Worldly Experiences.

Spiritual Awareness

Spiritual Awareness

Spiritually Sensitive People

Why are some people more susceptible to being an access point for spiritual experiences rather than others? Here is something to consider.

In my last post, Other Worldly Experiences, Kim shared her husband, Terry’s, experience that left him fearless of death. Although it was many years ago, it gave him reassurance that death and the afterlife is nothing to be afraid of. 


Kim writes:
“Weeks before my husband’s passing, Terry fell onto our tiny stair landing. He was going downstairs to go to the bathroom. I heard him fall, I sprang out of bed screaming, “TERRY, TERRY!” His head was turned at an odd, almost upside down angle. The top of his body was on the landing, his legs were still on the top of the one step. As I was screaming, he was not answering me and I thought he was dead! Finally, as I reached him to help him up, he spoke. He later told his sister that he was hovering up at the ceiling, looking down on himself!”

Commentary- Have you ever wondered why some people are more spiritually sensitive than others? This question comes up a lot… and unfortunately is paired with a lot of their frustration that they consider themself to be the non-sensitive type. Already feeling harshed up about their perceived deficit of spiritual sensitivity, the bigger the issue the non-sensitive person makes it – the more difficult being spiritually sensitive becomes. This vicious cycle of wanting and not getting, has the tendency of leaving one to feel frustrated and inadequate, furthermore, adding insult to injury. 

However, being spiritually sensitive is not about being adequate or inadequate. Consciously or unconsciously, with their consciousness, some people are just able to tap into the upper/outer edges of the vibrational frequency range more easily.



The physical realm, in which we experience our everyday lives, is made up a vibrational frequencies. Most people perceive their reality within a particular vibrational range. This range could also be referred to as a vibrational spectrum. In this context, we experience the five physical senses that are so common to everyday living. We are very familiar with them- seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling.

We are told by some skeptics, that nothing exists outside this particular set of vibrational frequencies. “That’s just our life and there is nothing else.” And… if something else is experienced outside of physical explanation, that experience may be chalked up to either fringe, fantasy or insanity. Adding, “Go back to your 5-sensory cubicle, weirdo!” But… how much sense does this really make when so many people have viewed phenomena outside of the box?

Of course, those people saying this are usually the ones whose consciousnesses have never ventured outside the status quo perimeter to have a genuine spiritual experience. It is also true that these spiritual experiences are often unexplainable, when trying to convey them from a physical context of a five-physical-senses brain point of view. That’s all there is to the brain’s knowledge base, and the rest is likely perceived as either a mystery, weird or invalid.

The Law of Vibration, one of the Universal Laws, states that everything in the Universe is in motion and is made up of vibration. That means you, your thoughts and emotions, every one else, their thoughts and emotions and basically… everything. Within a human’s paradigm, we mostly have access to the range that includes the physical 5-senses range, except those rare moments when we find ourselves in higher frequencies and wonder, “What the heck just happened?”

However, if, for some reason, our ability to sense anything becomes greatly heightened, and with our consciousness, we are able to go closer to or beyond the higher frequency of the upper or outer edges of the normal physical range, we are susceptible to having a spiritual experience, allowing us to receive and be privy to spiritual information from the spiritual realm. It’s really that simple. 

There are some people who consistently experience their lives on the upper edges of the vibrational spectrum, some of us only visit periodically, and others seem to never visit at all, as they are firmly grounded in the lower ends of the physical spectrum. Usually, those people rarely have a spiritual experience, nor do they believe they exist. And then… there exists some combination of everything in between. 

However, it does seem to be true that, once you are sensitive enough to have a spiritual experience, you become more susceptible to experiencing them more often. It’s as if your consciousness shifts to allow for more. Perhaps the brain accepts the new unknown experience enough to allow it a place to reside and eventually integrate.

Terry was such a person. Being spiritually sensitive, Terry’s consciousness was, at times, able to experience a heightened degree of range.

A whole range of catalysts can create the “space” to become more spiritually sensitive. We all know that prayer, meditation, relaxation, and hypnosis can create a high vibration because of  particular brainwaves that are induced. Thoughts of empowerment, love and goodwill excel on the emotional scale. Positive thoughts, as well as dwelling in possibility are considered a high state of mind. It is understandable that hate, greed, cruelty and all other negative ways of being, affect us greatly in the opposite direction, as the vibrational frequency is very low.

Terry was also open to receiving these experiences. After experiencing the world beyond, after his mother-in-law’s passing, losing his fear of death, then seeing himself lay helpless on the stair landing after his fall, he did not have to learn that he was a spiritual being having a physical experience. He knew it already. Also, it does occur that one who is close to their death, as was Terry at the time, is more sensitive to leaving their physical body. It seems that in the process and preparation of crossing over to the next life, the spirit begins to detach itself from the metaphorical heaviness of the physical body it was grounded in for so long.  I say this because he was easily knocked from his body with his fall. On some level, the spirit knows when it’s time to return to its heavenly home. Sadly for those left behind, Terry passed just weeks later in May of 2020.

Here are some other examples of spiritually sensitive people. There are people who go into a coma, no longer grounded in their physical bodies or in the context of the five senses in which they have previously experienced their lives. Once that happens, it is possible that without the physical reminder of the body, consciousness shifts, and slowly begins to drift off into the world beyond. There are children, who have playmates that we can’t see. Fresh with youth and innocence in this world, often they don’t know they are only supposed to exist in a particular vibrational frequency until we teach them more of what we say is appropriate in the physical plane. So, they experience what they experience, and we tell them they are imagining things. Eventually, most forget they are spirit’s first, loose their sensitivity and also the biggest part of themselves- their true nature becomes hidden.

At some point in life, usually later on, some begin to awaken to a deeper part of themselves and wonder how they can be more spiritually sensitive. The first thing is about being aware that being spiritually sensitive is even possible. The second is understanding how it occurs. Having an open mind increases the chances because with it comes the awe and wonder of a child who is innocent to limits, which is such a great foundation for experiencing possibilities beyond this realm.

Anyone can bring out their inner spiritually sensitive self. When you come from the place that you are spirit first, being spiritually sensitive comes more naturally. After all, spiritual sensitivity is a huge part of your intrinsic nature.

The Power of Positive Perspective

We get so caught up in the situations of our lives that we forget that we have any power to change our view of it. This post is just a reminder that you can.

Chilling out

Chilling out – Image: Pixabay

In the hustle and bustle of our busy world, where it seems like time IS literally flying right by us, sometimes we forget to take a moment of peace and relaxation for ourselves. Even… if it is just to pause and breathe deeply and get centered in that one moment.



Powerful Beyond BeliefWhen we don’t have what we need in life, stress rises and we begin to worry about how we will attempt to meet our needs, sometimes it helps to reflect upon what we do have and imagine the possibility of all that we are, and all that we can do. Even… if it’s just for a moment.


You may be unduly surrounded by hatred and discord and you think it to be all-consuming to the point of contamination, yet, sometimes it works to boldly blast them with unexpected love and kindness as a response. Even… if you get some strange looks, it might lighten the situation.

Love is Forever

Love is Forever

Although we may feel grieved that our departed loved ones are not physically with us, sometimes it’s powerful to remind ourselves that they are with us spiritually, even if it’s just for an eternity.

Always remember this. Our life is all about perspective.  Sure, life throws at us some pretty gnarly situations to overcome, but it’s up to us- just how we will perceive these scenarios and how we will choose to proceed with that perception. Life is like a glass that can either be half empty or half full. It’s just the way you choose to look at it.

Freeing yourself

Freeing yourself – Image: Pixabay

May I suggest a practice that uses attitudes of peace, love, inspiration and gratitude as a tool? If you seek out the bright side of light and life, you will find it in the positive perspective of how you think. This power is yours to be had, at any time, and is totally up to you just how free you can be!


It’s About Time… (Heavenly time, that is)

The last post was of Pat’s experience with the passing of her friend, Abe. Since that short time, Pat has received an after-death communication from him.

Pat writes:
“Well…this is interesting. For 8 months my watch had stopped at 20 minutes to 4:00. My last conversation with Abe was about whether there is time in the next life. We made a pact that, whoever died first would let the other know.”

“I have not replaced the battery, hoping Abe would fix it as a sign given to me. I just looked at my watch and it now says 10 minutes to 3:00. Abe died around 3 am.”

“My watch is still not working but this makes me smile. I know this is a sign from Abe. He is letting me know he is still with us. Now, I definitely will not put a new battery in it. Every time I look at my watch, I will think of our previous conversation and this new sign from him, and smile.”

“Thank you, Abe!”

Commentary- In my last post, I Didn’t Get a Chance to say Goodbye, Pat shared her last experience with her friend, Abe, and his passing. Well, it’s hardly been two weeks since that post, which focused on departed Abe, when lo and behold, Abe comes forth to remember the promise of a pact made, since Abe was the first to cross over to the other side.

The existence of time

The existence of time

The subject of their pact was whether time, as we know it in the physical world, exists in the heavenly one as well. And not even the last part of this sentence is accurate, as some of the brightest minds in mathematics and science do not know for sure if time exists at all.

For sure, scientists have been trying to understand the nature of “time” for a long time. Given time’s invisible nature, it doesn’t help them much.  However, the more physicists study time, the more time seems to not exist, not even in this realm, although that might have not been something the average person has really given much thought to. Our world may be less solid and static than we might think.

Time is really like a fence that appears solid from a distance. You get closer and you begin to notice the many fibers that make up that fence and the many vulnerabilities. But, looking deeply into a microscope, these fibers seem to separate as our vision peers through them, giving way to the molecules and someday, the atoms from which they are made. 

The conundrum to explain time’s existence and what time is, among physicists is called, the “problem of time.” You can read more about this here.

Time may actually just be a concept to document our experiences in some way. Have you ever noticed how time can seem to go so fast, while other times, so slow. Have you ever just lost track of time? Where did it go?

Eternity NOW

Eternity NOW

In many after-death experiences, time seems to be, at the very least, distorted from our place of existence, if not timeless. Loved ones appear as their youthful selves. Many times, lucid dream visits with our departed loved ones take place in another realm with time distortion.

My point is that even the smartest of the smartest physicists and mathematicians do not understand the nature of time and can’t even say if time exists in this realm or another. Perhaps it will be possible for us to understand the nature of time in the next life, but it could remain a mystery as well. I mean, having thought we have been experiencing time up to this point, how would we explain no time?

I think what Abe was saying with his sign to Pat about her watch, was not necessarily a booming answer from the universe, (and maybe it was) but rather… that he remembers their pact together and is with her at THIS time and always.

And… Pat smiled.

I Didn’t Get a Chance to Say Goodbye

Many people don’t get the chance to say goodbye when a loved one has passed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still say goodbye. This post explores how you can.




Pat writes:
Last January, I lost a good friend, Abe, at the nursing home. He was dying. I planned to go see him that Monday but my autistic son, Aaron, had a 24 hour meltdown, so that kept me busy on Skype and the phone, on the Sunday before. Aaron called me at 1:30 am on the phone Monday and I finally told group home to give him some meds so he could settle down. He went to sleep at 3 am.”

“Meanwhile, while I was trying to get back to sleep, I had a vision of Abe looking at me with his big puppy dog eyes. I could not get him out of my mind. Wondering if this was the end for Abe, I asked my departed son, Dustin, to meet him when he crossed over…and told him to bring Kenny with him. Kenny was Abe’s former room mate who passed in 2017.”

“I did not go visit Abe the next day because I was going on 3 hours of sleep, so I slept most of the day. When I did go in on Tuesday, I found out that Abe had passed away early (3 am) Tuesday morning.  I felt bad because I missed saying goodbye to him on Monday, due to no sleep.”

Crossing over

Crossing over

Commentary- Having the opportunity to say goodbye to a loved one is an important part of healing. Being able to say goodbye brings a certain amount of eventual closure to the grief process.

Many times we get that precious chance to be person to person, while we say our very last words to one another, but unfortunately, sometimes we do not. And… often times, this disappointing reality is met by feeling some version of “bad” about the fact that we were not there.

However, we shouldn’t add regret, guilt, shame and even more sadness to an, already, sorrowful situation. It’s not helpful to anyone. When a loved one passes and we didn’t get a chance to be there to say goodbye, we often start thinking in terms of should of, could of and would of, derailing everything that we actually did while our loved one was alive. Being kind and reasonable to yourself is a good way to honor your departed loved one. They wouldn’t want you to beat yourself up over it.

In situations like this, the best perspective to have is that… life is not that simple. 

As we go about the details of our day-to-day lives, which takes a certain amount of self-absorption, we have no idea what is going to happen, when and to whom. We certainly don’t know the exact time that death with come for any one of us next. It is what it is, so it’s important that we be objectively reasonable.

The amazing thing about Pat’s experience is that she did get a chance to say goodbye when Abe came to visit her. Although it wasn’t a physical one, it surely was a spiritual goodbye, which, in my opinion, is way more meaningful and miraculous. What a gift he gave his dear friend.

However, if you did not have a spiritual manifestation from a departing/departed loved one, before or after death, you can still say goodbye! There are two main ways to do this. One is super easy. The other is a little harder, but you might need this one to feel like you have actually made contact. (Both are really easy)

  1. The super easy one. Although our departed loved ones no longer have the physical ears with which to hear our words, NOW, they are empowered with consciousness in which to perceive our thoughts and feelings. Write down what there is to say to them, what you would have said if you were there in those last final moments, then simply say it to them. Out loud or in the privacy of your own thoughts.
  2. The harder one. Follow #1 but do something special in a special setting. In other words, some people do much better when they set up some sort of ritual. They tend to believe it more. Some rituals include, going to their gravesite with flowers and a poignant letter to read. Perhaps you gather special items belonging to your loved one to put on an altar of some sort, like a gravesite. This is a place to go to visit them, in your thoughts and express your thoughts and feelings.
  3. And… another bonus one. There are so many ways to say goodbye, or even not say goodbye if you’re not ready. But, I just thought of another one that is on my website called, Higher Self Communication. Higher Self Communication can be used to communicate with beings on Earth or in Heaven.

The goal here is to make it easier to deal with a loved one’s passing and the process that entails. The grief process in general, is a healing process of getting complete with one’s losses. It takes time to heal these injuries, as there are many layers to work through.

Within the larger perspective, although we never actually say goodbye to our loved ones, saying goodbye after an Earthy passing is just one way to acknowledge our loss of them in the Earthly realm, allowing us to get complete with what happened. This is what happens in our brain’s healing process and is a must if we are to move forward.

But… just because you may say goodbye in this life, it doesn’t mean you don’t say hello in the next. Love is the bond that binds us together. We are always connected.

Saying Goodbye for now

Saying Goodbye for now

Thought Perception

In this after-death communication, Ken receives help from his departed loved one, Jon, while making a batch of cookies.

Ken writes:
I have been feeling Jon near me lately. Funny thing is, I was getting out ingredients from a cabinet to bake cookies. I kept digging around for the brown sugar. I couldn’t remember if I used it all or put it somewhere else, so I decided to bake another kind. Continue reading

Transforming Tragedy

Good and bad things happen in this dualistic world. Having an enlightened perspective can make all the difference in healing the wounds from these nightmares.

Bridgette writes:
“Both of my children were bi-racial. But this had nothing to do with their murders, it just made it difficult in their lives, as well as mine. I met their dad in High School when I was 15. At 16, I became pregnant with Tim and my parents sent me to a Catholic maternity home in New Orleans, when I was 4 months pregnant. They literally dropped me off. I was there through all the holidays and had no communication with them whatsoever. It was already decided for me, that I would give my baby up for adoption.”

“I can’t remember when my due date was, but the doctor said the baby was so big that he needed to induce labor and perform a c-section. At that time, I decided to call my parents to tell them that I would be keeping my baby. I was told I couldn’t come home if I kept that ‘nigger’ baby.” Continue reading