Dustin Is At It Again!

In this after-death communication/spirit visitation, Dustin arranges the guest room bed with another humorous scene. Instead of several stuffed animals, now there is one big stuffed animal, neatly placed as it looks out the window.

Pat writes:
“Hi Jade. My sister, Kathy, sent this today. Again, when she and her husband, Owen, woke up, Dustin had been there! I will forward you Kathy’s experience and the pictures. Just one cat toy this time.”

Dustin's Shenanigans

Dustin’s Shenanigans

Upon receiving the latest visit from Dustin, Kathy writes to Pat:
“Hi Pat. When we got up this AM, Owen said, “Come here.”  We think Dustin was at it again, as the white blanket by the window where the cats sit was totally straightened out. The last time when he placed many stuffed animals on the straightened white blanket they were all looking out the window. This time just one larger cat toy; a stuffed calico cat, was sitting perfectly straight and staring out the window. I guess, Dustin liked Jade’s last post about him. Hugs.” Continue reading

Another Dustin Moment

In an email about her latest visitation from her nephew, Dustin, Kathy writes this after-death communication to her sister, Pat, who is Dustin’s mother.

Kathy writes:

Dustin, Ashton and Blaze

Dustin, Ashton and Blaze

“Morning Pat. Something happened at my house that makes me think Dustin was here again. Our cats love laying on a bed in our spare room by the window. There are 2 or 3 blankets usually all messed up and a bunch of little stuffed toys buried here and there. This morning as I went about my normal routine of turning on the computer in that room on the way to the kitchen, I looked toward the window. It was unbelievable how the toys were arranged. I said, “Owen, come here” as I pointed to the little cat toys. He said  “Oh, my God. Who did that?”  I said, “Certainly not the cats!” The blankets were straightened and the little stuffed animals were all arranged neatly, looking out the window!”

“Is this something Dustin would have done? I took some pictures to send to you.” Continue reading